This site provides complete and authentic information on the origin, causes, and current situation about Bhutanese refugees.


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Read Bhutan News at for daily news updates on Bhutan and Bhutanese refugees


June 02, 2003: The fourteenth round of  Nepal Bhutan Ministerial Joint Committee (MJC) Meeting on Bhutanese refugees was held in Kathmandu, Nepal on May  19-22, 2003. Please click on the Link  to read the story in details.  The MJC finally agreed on their joint stand on  four categories and issued a statement on Agreed Position on the Four Categories (APFC). Please read original  official Press Release and APFC document. NEW


May 29, 2003: The Amnesty International, London released the Annual Human Rights  Report on Bhutan for 2002. Please click on the Amnesty Website to read the report. NEW


May 13, 2003.: Bhutanese Refugee face Discrimination and Loss of Citizenship upon return to Bhutan according to the latest Report of Human Rights watch, USA released on May 13, 2003.  Please view the report on Human Rights Watch Website. or Click on the Report NEW

May 13, 2003. Bhutanese refugees say " We don't want to be refugee again", a report of Human Rights Watch released on May 13, 2003. Please view the report on Human Rights Watch Website. NEW


April 12, 2003: Bhutan govt.'s human rights record remained poor, and problems remained in several areas. according to the  United States  Country Reports on Human Rights Practices on Bhutan - 2002 Released by the US State Department,  Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor  March 31, 2003. Please click on the link  US State Department website  or US Human Rights Report 2002 to read it, April 12, 2003. NEW


April 12, 2003.: Bhutanese refugees demonstrated in front of the United Nations building in Geneva, Switzerland, the venue for the Eighth Round Table Meeting ( RTM) of the Royal  Government of Bhutan and international development partners on February 18-19, 2003. Click on the RTM demonstration link to read it.  NEW


April 12, 2003: The Thirteenth round of  Nepal Bhutan Ministerial Joint Committee (MJC) Meeting  was held in Thimphu Bhutan   on March 24-26, 2003. Please click on Nepal Bhutan Talk to read the details. NEW


February 11, 2003:  Appeal to Donors to Bhutan and International Community  February 11, 2003 NEW


The Twelfth round of  Nepal Bhutan Joint Ministerial Level Committee Talk was held in Kathmandu for one day on February 06, 2003. Please click to read in details.  February 11, 2003 NEW


January 31, 2003: Please read Mr. Rakesh Chhetri's latest article DONORS' MEET AND BHUTANESE REFUGEES published in the Kathmandu Post on January 31, 2003


January 07, 2003: The Verified Bhutanese refugees at Khudunabari have launched an indefinite relay hunger strike at Khudunabari from the 7th of January 2003, demanding the Royal Government of Bhutan and His Majesty’s Government of Nepal to:


1. Immediately declare the result of verification of Khudunabari camp,

2. Start the verification by JVT in other remaining camps and,

3. Start repatriation and rehabilitation of the verified Bhutanese citizens back to their homesteads.


For full account of hunger strike read various new links at and its archieves of  January 2003


Refugee population: Please click on this link for  latest  Bhutanese Refugee Population Statistics





Human Rights Reports
Amnesty (AI) Reports
View all AI Docuemts
Human rights violations
Forcible exile
Eastern Bhutanese


 Others Reports
US Human Rights Report 2002
US Human Rights Report
Human Rights Watch Report 2003
EU Resolutions
Habitat FFM
Cultural Cleansing
Crisis of Identity
Death List