Afrocentric Homeschoolers Association Menu

Curriculum: Black-oriented | Multiracial-cultural | General | Freebies | Organizations | Other Resources | University Admission
History/Herstory Homeschooling Resources
African & African American History Studies

African American Holocaust

African-American Inventors Database

African American Odyssey

African American Women Inventors

African Virtual University

Africans in America

Been Here So Long - An Introduction to the American Slave Narratives

Black History Resources

Black Quest-African American, Educational, & History Software Game.

Black Inventors

Black Inventors from Africa to America (book)

Canadian Black Heritage in the Third Millennium

Eastern Hemisphere & Oceania K-12 Lesson Plans & Activities

Lost Feather Historical Reasearch Site - The untold story of the indidgenous Black American (north and south)

Malcom X

Ontario Black History Society


Primary Source - provides content-rich, professional development programming that is historically accurate, culturally inclusive and explicity concerned with racism and other forms of discrimination

The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers Project

The Poetry of Marcus Garvey

Ujamaa Maktaba