Afrocentric Homeschoolers Association Menu

Activities > Vocabulary Game
Copy the chart below.
Think of words beginning with the letter in the margin to correspond with the category (If you can't think of any, it's OK to get help from your atlas or dictionary or other resource, but when you play this game again, try not to check references too often).

This game can be played by yourself or as a group, with or without a timer. If you are playing as a group, the first person to fill all boxes wins. If you are playing as a group with a timer, the person with the most boxes filled -- within the allotted time -- wins.

Note: The headings can be changed to reflect African Diaspora heritage ("African-Canadian", "African-American", "African-Caribbean", etc.). The guiding word can be changed from "heroes" to "heritage" or Africa" or some other relevant word.


African Historical Figure/Event

Prominent African Female Figure (past or present)

Prominent African Male Figure
(past or present)

African Place

African Food

African Animal

African Thing