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Southern Country

This page is dedicated to the men and women that strive to preserve the South, the Southern traditions and values. These are modern day Southerners.

August 1997 - Rory Martin, Rural Citizen Online Bookstore Find out how a speech by the Southern League's President, Dr. Michael Hill changed "distorted Yankee views into Southern Pride."

September 1997 - Kathie Fraser - Poetry and Music of the War Between the States This month we are honoring Ms. Kathie Fraser . . . our own Dixieland Ring site monitor. Find out how Kathie took lemons and made lemonade."

Personal note: Kathie is a major part of the Dixieland Ring. Without Kathie, I could never keep up with all of the work. Kathie has been wonderful to me and I am proud to call her "friend."

October 1997 - GEORGE KALAS - Webmaster of DixieNet - Most members of the DixieLand Ring are already familiar with DixieNet, the celebrated web site belonging to the League of the South, (formerly the Southern League). As one of the first truly large Confederate sites on the web, DixieNet was a trailblazing site and an inspiration to many other pro-Southern webmasters. The DixieLand Ring has received many requests for a member profile on the site's rebmaster, George Kalas over the past few months and so we bring it to you here this month.

THIS MONTH'S FEATURE - February 1998 - Dean and Paulette Fowler - Authors and webmaster and webmistress of THE COLOR GUARD In my opinion we are starting 1998 with featuring a wonderful and most deserving couple. Though I always admired the Fowler's, I didn't realize just how much they meant to the South and it's history and perseveration until getting to know them while developing the Dixieland Ring. Read about them and you will realize that they do "Guard Our Colors."

Dean and Paulette joined the Dixieland Ring when we were still in our infancy. We are proud to be on the same team with this wonderful couple. I am proud to call them friends.

Confed-American.gif (7350 bytes)May '98 - Featured Southrons - Ron and Barbara Ainsworth - Confederate American - Almost a Romance Novel in itself - This couple serves the Confederacy today and everyday with four outstanding Confederate sites, each serving a distinct and special purpose. Their mission . . . presenting and preserving the Southern point of view about history and exposing the lies taught in schools today. The Dixieland Ring proudly presents Ron and Barbara Ainsworth.

conf3.gif (6757 bytes)   August 1998 Featured Southerner Joel Wuthnow was on the Internet long before most of us even had a good knowledge of it. He has always fought for the South by his site, his ideas, his ideals. In my personal correspondence to him I have always found him as Lee . . . gentle in nature, humble when praised but far advanced in his field. Thank you Joel for sharing yourself with us.



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