Things Men Should Know...

I decided that women had some things to tell men. I polled all my friends on the net to get this list. And ladies, I appreciate the insights. Thanks very much to Blayze, Mecca, Leona, Lydia, LadyBlue, LoisLane and everyone else. You can be sure this list will be updated from time to time, because women can always think of something to tell men...

  1. The breast on those models are NOT real.
  2. Not every woman looks good in lacy lingerie.
  3. You are not always right and neither are we.
  4. We DO know how to operate a remote control.
  5. Belching at the table is not considered "good dinner conversation".
  6. One inch does not necessarily equal one mile.
  7. Stopping to ask for directions does not diminish your masculinity.
  8. Being the first to say you are sorry will win you bonus points.
  9. We don't all want to have children.
  10. Sometimes when we say "Nothing is wrong", we mean it.
  11. Men who have potbellies do not look sexy in bikini briefs.
  12. We are not the only ones that know how to operate the vacuum, mop, broom, etc.
  13. If you look in the dictionary, marriage and slavery have two different meanings.
  14. Nose hair is not becoming and it is not part of your moustache.
  15. Brushing the hair over the bald spot on your head doesn't imply that you have hair.
  16. A six-pack and a drive through the woods is not considered a "seven course meal".
  17. An intimate conversation is not "Hey baby, wanna do it?".
  18. Foreplay is not the beer you have before watching the football game.
  19. Letting your lady put her cold feet on you doesn't mean you are hen-pecked.
  20. Putting the toilet seat down will also win you bonus points.
  21. Use a personal hand towel for the hand jobs...DON'T use the curtains.
  22. Don't make your woman sleep in the wet spot.
  23. Men are not better lovers when they are only seems that way to them.
  24. Passing out on top of a woman after 2 minutes doesn't denote "a good one".
  25. Great sex isn't over when YOU are finished.
  26. A date doesn't mean taking a girl out for a "hotdog".
  27. Being able to communicate well is not a series of grunts.
  28. Straining to look around your naked woman to see the football game is not considered "being attentive".
  29. Women don't believe it when you use a "crick" in your neck as an excuse to look at other women.
  30. Farting in the tub is not considered a bubble bath.
  31. Just because your socks are the same color on the bottom does not mean that they are a "matching" pair.
  32. Your wife is not your mother.

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