HUMOR Digest - 3 Jul 1997 to 4 Jul 1997

Date: Thu, 3 Jul 1997 02:20:02 -0400
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Sex: A Driving Force

I understand the Italian government is considering installing a clock in the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Reason ?

Well, what good is it if you have the inclination, but you don't have the time.

The other evening a really shy friend of mine spotted a real knock out in a bar a few stools away. He moved over and sat next to her, but was too embarrassed to speak. So, he ordered his next drink and one for her, and paid for them both. She nodded her thanks, but neither spoke.

This went on for three rounds. Finally, emboldened by the liquor, he said, "Pardon me. But do you ever go to bed with strange men ?"

"I never have before," she said smiling, "but I believe you've talked me into it, you clever silver-tongued devil, you."

To the astonishment of all, Martin, a real playboy announced his intentions to marry. Speculations ran high as to how long he could and would remain faithful.

All doubt was removed by his toast to the bridesmaids, all centerfold material, at the wedding reception.

"Ladies," he said, "I want to wish all of you the best of luck, and to extend the hope that each of you will, in the near future, take the place of the bride."

One prostitute said to another: "Could you lend me a couple of hundred until I get back on my back ?"

It was the first day for the salesgirl at the maternity shop. It had been a hectic day; the store had been crowded from the moment the doors opened. Just as she thought she was gonna get a break, a new flood of customers poured in.

"Ye Gads," she cried, "doesn't anyone do it for fun any more ?"

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