HUMOR Digest - 27 Jul 1997 to 28 Jul 1997

Date: Sun, 27 Jul 1997 02:58:03 -0400
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: State of the USA

Isn't this a crazy country we live in ? I mean people are working day and nite to pay for a big house they're never in, full of labor saving devices they never use and TV's with 117 channels they never have time to watch.

Have any of you ever watched these news/information shows on TV every Sunday. They get a panel of experts together and discuss stuff.

Why is it they never discuss anything we all could benefit from though -- like should the potato chips be thicker and heavier or the dips thinner and looser.

All my life I've heard that it's a "Man's World". Right !

When us men are born, people ask how the Mother is doing.
When us guys get married, who gets all the presents and showers ?
And when we die,
who is it exactly who lives it up on the insurance money ???

And all the support groups these days. Even the old stand-bys like Alcoholics Anonymous are thriving.

I never did understand though how drinking under an assumed name helped anything.

And these computers -- how amazing they are to me. My accountant set-up a triple entry program for me.

One spreadsheet shows the true state of my financial affairs; the second is used to prove to Mrs. JimJr that we don't have any money at all; and the last is for the Feds to prove that I've been practicing deficit spending for years.

This country is so full of opportunity though. I mean where else can a wife hire a woman to do her housework so she can volunteer at the Day Care Center where the cleaning woman leaves her child.

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