HUMOR Digest - 14 Oct 1997 to 15 Oct 1997

Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 04:02:21 -0400
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Faith, Hope and Hilarity

A young Priest, fresh out of a seminary in Madrid, was assigned to a parish in Rio de Janeiro. Since he spoke only Spanish or English, he was assigned to assist the tourists with their worship.

After hearing his first confession, the young curate went to an older Priest and asked, "Well Father, how did I make out ?"

"My son," said the older, wiser Priest, "you did very well. But one suggestion: When you hear the confessions of these pretty young women, it would be a bit more seemly if you went 'Tsk Tsk' or some other mild admonishment rather than 'Wow...'   'Far out...'   'No Way...' and so on."

A young California couple took a visiting Aunt for a drive, and pointed out a fig tree as one of the sights.

"Fig tree ?" exclaimed the elderly woman. "That cannot be a fig tree for goodness sakes."

"Certainly is." replied her Niece. "What makes you think it's not a fig tree ?"

"Well..." said the Aunt, subsiding a little, "I just thought... surely... the leaves must be bigger than that."

A woman tourist visiting the Holy Land went to a tourist office for information on the roads. Told that it was now possible to go by car all the way from Dan to Beersheba, she confessed, "You know, I never knew that Dan and Beersheba were places. I always thought they were husband and wife, you know, like Sodom and Gomorrah."

Mrs JimJr is such an eagle eye. After Church one Sunday, she said to me on the way home, "I noticed you slipped an extra twenty into the collection plate. Exactly what have you done now ?"

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