HUMOR Digest - 29 Oct 1997 to 30 Oct 1997

Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 03:52:52 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Men's Follies

Jim and Max decided to try a Bungee Jump off of a bridge on the Via Anchieta Highway to see if they could make some money. After they got it set up, some people gathered around, but no one was buying tickets.

Jim said, "Maybe you should demonstrate it, so they get the idea." After Max was strapped in, he jumped and fell almost to the ground before springing back.

As he came back up the next time, Jim saw that his clothes were torn. Max went down again and this time when he came back up, he was bleeding. Jim thought, "What the hell's going on here ?"

Max went down another time, but this time when he sprang back up, Jim saw that Max had contusions and cuts all over his body.

Jim pulled Max safely in and asked, "What happened mate ?"

Max moaned, "I don't know. What the hell's a Pinata anyway ???"

Vernon Gray, a Howard County Councilman, was running for Vice President of a nationwide county association. The story's going around that he chartered a bus for some of the delegates and took them to a farm in the western part of the county.

"This is how I stay in shape." he told his guests. "Just working on the farm. Today I have to put in the hay."

When they reached the barn, there was no hay waiting to be thrown into the mow. "Hey Samuel !" Vernon shouted. "Where's the hay ?"

A voice from inside the barn replied, "Sorry Vernon, I ain't had no time to throw it back down since you forked it up for all those newspaper reporters yesterday."

A Kentucky Judge once had a case in which the defendant was accused of kicking another citizen in the stomach. The defense argued that there was no real evil intent.

When the defendant took the stand, the prosecutor shouted at him, "How in the world can you possible say that you delivered this terrific kick in the stomach without intending to ?"

"Well..." the defendant replied, "He just turned around too damn quick, that's all."

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