HUMOR Digest - 8 Oct 1998 to 9 Oct 1998

Date: Thu, 8 Oct 1998 03:27:00 -0400
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Congress

A congressman is a person who doesn't know where he's going...
and yet he wants the rest of us to follow him.

I'm not at all sure though that Congress' new policy on "not passing the buck" is a good thing. Now, they just keep it.

Anybody but me think the term "cheap politician" is the ultimate misnomer ?

Do you realize how much it costs us to support them ?

I've often wondered what a congressman tells his children or Grandchildren what it is he does for a living.

Ever notice how Congress likes to adjourn and go home.

I just can't understand that. If I were my congressman, the LAST place I'd want to go is home and face the voters.

Some congressmen have stated that they're changed their minds about impeaching Clinton, but only after a long struggle with their consciences.

Yeah, right ! Seems to me, any fight that is billed as "Congressman vs Conscience" would be over in 0.4 seconds.

To begin with, to a congressman, a conscience is that small inner voice that warns them we're all watching them now.

Has anyone else but me noticed that the "uniform of the day" in the US Congress appears to be either dark blue or black suits ?

I wonder if they realize they look like a bunch of undertakers running around.

Of course, maybe they all know something we don't -- perhaps they're mourning the demise of our Government early -- they should !

They're the ones who have been trying for the last 40 years to bring it about.

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