HUMOR Digest - 16 Oct 1998 to 17 Oct 1998

Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 03:40:31 -0400
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: The Good Old Days

Working girls practiced "safe sex" back in the 50's by not going to the Office Party.

Back in the "Good Old Days" a Russian String Quartet was a symphony orchestra on the way back home from a world tour.

Give me the "Good Old Days" anytime. These days it costs more to entertain my Grandchildren than it did to educate me.

Back in the good old days we had honest politicians.

When you bought them -- they stayed bought !

The late 50's was when sex education started in the schools.

Most parents though had mixed emotions when their daughters received an "A" in the course.

Speaking of sex education (I was) the 50's was the heyday of drive-in movies. Most schools back then tried to be coeval by teaching "Driver's Ed" and "Sex Ed" in the same car.

Prior to the "Sexual Revolution", most brides were actually virgins. After they were married, the new husband sat on the bed as his bride was undressing and said, "Darling, now I'm glad you made me wait. If I had found you 'easy' I probably wouldn't have married you at all."

"Don't I know it !" replied the bride, "That's exactly how the last six guys fooled me."

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