HUMOR Digest - 2 Mar 1999 to 3 Mar 1999

Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 03:20:11 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Paranoids in CyberSpace

Seems anyone with a computer and a modem can hatch a wacky theory and post it on the Net. Consider some of the following...

Is Clinton a pawn who's outlived his usefulness ? According to Conspiracy Nation and Rumor Mill News he is. Clinton's even supposed to have been a spy during his Oxford Days.

A cabal of the rich and powerful are plotting a New World Order and Clinton's impeachment was either designed by them or warring factions within the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency).

Chief Justice William Rehniquist's stripped robe was a sign that the Senate Trial was a clandestine military court-martial to try Clinton for unstated war crimes.

Hillary Clinton along with Linda Tripp, Lucianne Goldberg, Monica Lewinsky, Sect of State Madeline Albright and poet Maya Angelou are part of a Feminist Network seeking to control the government.

Clinton is to declare a State of Emergency during a real or faked natural disaster (such as Y2K), invoke Martial Law and declare himself President for life.

Both computer monitors and TVs are emitting "orgone rays" (a mind controlling wave, previously thought debunked). Your only defense is the old stand-by aluminum foil helmet.

Fluoride manipulated American minds to see the Clinton scandal as only about sex and thus miss the real implications involving the CIA & Incan extraterrestrial religious sects to control the world.

Clinton is a communist seeking to weaken the US. Proof is offered by his deals with China and Russia as well as the Justice Dept's attempts to bring down MicroSoft.

Source: Eric Lipton
             Chicago Tribune
             (No URL's were given in the article)

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