Robyn's Trombone Page

This page is dedicated to the instrument of instruments, the trombone. Please remember as you view this page that

Trombones Rule and Trumpets Drool!!!!

Greetings from the land of trombones and synthesizers and welcome to Robyn's Trombone Page. If you didn't already figure this out, I play the trombone. There is something about the trombone that turns the people who play them into weird, crazy human beings...does the fact that we play an instrument that constantly changes its shape have anything to do with it? One will never know for sure, but my guess is YES! The trombone is the coolest instrument around! As we all know, there are many uses for the trombone besides the ordinary honking, but let's not get into that just yet. Unfortunately, the word trombone essentially means "big trumpet"...what were they THINKING when they decided that?!

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This page has been viewed times since July 27, 1997. 
Last Updated January 18, 1998 by Robyn L. Jenkins

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