Hi! Welcome Backstage. I'm Jeanne, resident MIDI musician at Jazz Cafe.

My musical training began at around age five , when I started studying classical piano. Today, a Licentiate of the Trinity College of Music, London, I teach piano - and for those who prefer being plugged-in - electronic keyboard technique, which Trinity College now recognizes as an art form.

All the music at Jazz Cafe (and my other music sites) originated from my modest home studio in Bombay, India - and later at my new home in Canada.

MIDI sequences are in Standard MIDI Format 1 (SMF1). Feel free to download what ever you want, as long as it is for your personal use - and will not be used commercially. Creating these MIDI files is a hobby of mine - and thanks to GeoCities - I have the opportunity to share them with you.

I wish to thank a musician friend, Bruce Stidston, who collaborated with me on a few sequences. Bruce plays drums and bass on Blue Rondo A La Turk, Kathy's Waltz and Everybody's Jumpin'. (Check them out if you haven't already.) Bruce lives in England, UK. And our collaboration was via e-mail.

Thank you for dropping by. And please do e-mail me your views, suggestions and requests. I'll be more than happy to receive, and respond to, them.

And...finally, do visit Jazz Cafe again. I keep updating it every now and then.

Jeanne Coello
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada



Jazz Cafe's Sister Site:
Jazz Chronicles

Comments and suggestions please!

Links to my other music pages:
Piano Works
UnClassic Classics

To find sites with MIDI files, visit
Standard MIDI Files on the Net
The Internet MIDI Community's
List of Sites With MIDI Files

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