
1989 Summer Trip

Pictures are here!!!

Here's the deal, I'm getting old and I can't remember exactly what we did over ten years ago. I'm taking a stab at it, so here it is. Please send comments/corrections.

Summer Trip Itinerary
Philmont Itinerary
St Louis 6 mile gate Adam Cummins
La Junta Dean Cow Brian Burns
Philmont Baldy Town Mike Keirnan
Albuquerque Ponil Andrew Carver
Grand Canyon Pueblano Ruins Billy Berglie
JY Ranch Clark's Fork Tommy Berglie
Long's Peak Indian Writings Adam Briggs
Petrified Forest Dear Lake Mesa Chris Rhea
Wisconson Miranda David Heines
Tooth Ridge Eric Thomas
Tooth Ridge Mel Herrmann
Tooth Ridge Mr Briggs
Tooth Ridge James Sullivan (joined after Philmont)

Pictures from 1989 Western Trip are here!!!

Brian Burns - xpcab xgpbo -- ICQ: 51245612

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