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My Diploma Welcome to gold99's (Peter's) Community Leader page. As a Community Leader in the CapeCanaveral neighbourhood, I have set up this page to offer help to geomembers in the CapeCanaveral area.

Hi there and welcome to my Community Leader page. This page was set up to help any GeoCities members in CapeCanaveral or any other neighbourhood located in GeoCities with homestead (website). If you don't have a homestead (website) with GeoCities, feel free to follow this link. GeoCities offers a very good deal for free! With 10 megs of space, and a great support team to help you if you get lost or need help.

As a Community Leader, also known as a "CL" we have volounteered to help GeoCities members, in my case in the CapeCanaveral area with any problems or any help they might need. As a CL, we do not get paid, but we good recieve pleasure and have a great time doing it. 25 geopoints also helps us get through the month as a CL! Although, if you are interested in becoming a Community Leader, don't become one if you are just in it for the geopoints, it is the pride and the pleasure that most people do it.

Anyway...here comes the help!
    GeoCities Member Utilites...
  • System Status Announcements - This is the first place to check if something is wrong with your page, member utilities or GeoCities. The GeoCities staff update this page very often
  • GeoCities Help - A great help page which is a great place to start with a huge F.A.Q (frequently asked questions)and a troubleshooter guide.
  • Resource Guide - A good resource guide for all GeoCities members.
  • GeoCities Guidelines - Remember these? You agreed to follow them when you signed up for your homestead (website). Make sure you re-read them, because they always change. Also, when you edit your page (ether dramatically or in a small way), make sure you always re-read the guidelines to check if you page is "O.K."
  • GeoCities Member Tools - A complete list of GeoCities member tools, from file managers, to geoguide managers, even your profile manager.

    GeoCities Programs...
  • GeoGuide Manager - This is a great program, where over 70% of members take up. This small advertising banner (480x60 pixels) will bring you many advantages, such as not having a popup page or any other form of advertising (bar the watermark) and every qualified visit will gain you GeoPoints (double for GeoPlus and a featured page) and GeoTickets.
  • Community Leader (CL) Program Description - Want to know what a Community Leader (CL) is? Interested in reading the program description? Follow this link! Also, if you are interested, also read the CapeCanaveral Official Community Leader Page.
  • Community Leader Application - interested in becoming a Community Leader (CL) for CapeCanaveral? If so, follow this link to find out more!

    HTML Information...
  • Learn HTML - Learn HTML by example. If you know what you want to do with your page, but don't know the HTML coding, check out this page.
  • GeoCities Resource Guide - A great resource guide, with heaps and heaps of links to other GeoCities HTML help pages.
  • HTML Help here at GeoCities - GeoCities official HTML help page. This page has been up for a while, and over that time the webmaster has added and updated the site to make it a great site, which makes it easy to learn HTML.
  • HTML FAQ - Stuck with a problem in your HTML document? Need someone to help you? Visit this page and it will fix all your problems (hopefully!).
  • RGB Hex Colour Chart - RGB (red-green-blue) Hex Colour Chart page is a great page if you are stuck with colour problems. It offers a HUGE range of colours to choose from, and most importantly, the HTML coding to do so.

    Graphic Sources...
  • Andy Art - Andy Art, a good place to start if you are looking for any kind of graphic, image or even buttons to use on your webpage.
  • Zitelli by Design - I do not know much about this page, but I have visited it, it is a good page for images on advanced HTML.

    HTML Tools...
  • Sausage Software - Hotdog is a great program made from Sausage Software company.
  • WebMonkey - A good place for site building web tutorials.
  • Open Studio - Netscape's great site-building tutorials.
Still stuck? If so how about checking out my help form on the Next Page -->
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