The Aerodrome

The Aerodrome -- Disclaimer

1. The Aerodrome exists as a reference to anyone interested in aircraft. Nothing displayed on these pages is meant to be offensive in any way.
2. All of the information located on these pages is public information.
3. Every photo on this website is drawn from other sites on the Internet. In almost every case credit is given for photos, graphics, etc. However, sometimes I am unsure of the source of a photo and cannot give credit. I am glad to give credit or remove any photo which the owner does not wish to be displayed on this website. Questions or comments regarding the photos or graphics should be E-mailed to me at
4. I am always willing to make corrections to the data on this website. Simply E-mail me with with your suggestion and I will look into any problem, however, allow at least a week for changes to occur.
5. I have, in most cases, displayed technical data for the most numerous variants (or if the variants greatly differ) of the aircraft displayed. This data is displayed, most of the time, in both metric and imperial measurments.
6. The techincal specifications, photos, and graphics are not mine and may be recopied as long as credit is given to the owner. The write-ups on the aircraft are mine and may not be copied for reuse without my expressed permission.

Special thanks & My goals

My goals in establishing this website were to:
-provide free information on the military aircraft of all nations.
-provide metric and imperial data for aircraft.
-provide non bias descriptions and interesting facts about the aircraft displayed here.
-provide a database of photographic material unequalled on the web.
***Please Note*** The Aerodrome is currently out of space. It will expand over the next few months.

Special thanks to:

-The USAF Museum, USA
-The National Aviation Museum, Canada
-United States Air Force and Navy
-Department of National Defence, Canada

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