The Launch of the Pathfinder

My Personal Journal

December 2, 1996

Launch of the Mars Pathfinder Mission Delayed because of Weather conditions...Shoot!!! Got to wait another Day!

December 3,1996

2:03 A.M.

Scrub!!! Because of a Computer Glitch to a Valve on the Delta Rocket We couldn’t Launch the Mars Pathfinder Probe. And Because of such a Narrow Launch Window of about 1.5 Minutes, We had to wait another 24 Hours..We had been in Florida since November 29th. This was supposed to be our Last opportunity to View the Launch!..Frustrated and Feeling Let down we returned to our Rooms with feelings of despair. We didn’t get to bed Before 4:00 that Morning Planing a way to expand Our Visit, and One more Chance to Watch the Launch. Many People from all over the USA had Convened to Cape Canaveral and Many People went home Frustrated, Never getting the chance to watch the Launch. And we weren’t sure that we were going to get that chance either!

December 3, 1996

10:00 A.M.

Calling work to find no one is available for Authorization to allow us to stay another day..Our return flight is at 1:00 P.M. (Getting Desperate). We call the Airline to find out if we can Book another flight for December 5th. The Airline says that it is not a Problem and it was going to cost a Minimal amount of Money. So we make arrangements amongst ourselves to come up with the Extra money. By this time I’m running out of Expense Money so I have to owe someone! Another Call to A Program Manager that took the trip with us, but, we never did see . He Makes the Call that it was going to Cost too much to Keep us there for another night! In the Meantime I’m on another Phone Line Talking to My Supervisor telling him What happened..( they already knew about the Scrub) and that we couldn’t contact any Upper level Management to make the call for us!! He Made up his Mind that we could Stay another night! Now...Most of this Money is coming out of His budget for us to go in the first Place!! So We get the Chance to Chance another View of the Launch!!...Spirits were Extremely High that day. Unfortunately 2 people did have to return to work on the Following day so there were only Two of us to Represent Our Company that Night!

December 4, 1996

1:30 A.M.

Looking Around...We Noticed that the Crowd was Definately smaller. The Tension of another Scrub was in the Air! All of the People were Hoping and Praying that We could get this Mission off the Ground. We had until the end of December to get it off the Ground with each day the Launch time gettine earlier and earlier in the day. No One wanted that! And I’m Positive that we couldn’t persuade Our Company to allow us to stay any Longer..This was it for Us!! If we missed our window, meant that we’d have to wait another 26 Months for the Two Planets to be in the Right alignment to get to Mars.

1:58 A.M.

10....9....8....7....6....”Green Board” ....5....4....3....”We have Main Engine Start”....2....1....0....”We have Lift-off of the Delta Rocket with the Mars Pathfinder!!”

First the Flash of light from the Main Engine and then the Roar...Soon you see the Rocket start to rise, The Feeling of Pride Building up inside You, then the Crowd starts to Clap and Cheer, The Handshakes, the Hugs, The Tears of Joy. The Popping and Crackling of the Rocket The Light in the sky!..All of this happening within Seconds!! Watching the Rocket Rise and Begin it’s long Journey to another World.

All of this and Now the Mission is in the Hands of Fate!!!...What could go wrong? Will The Lander make it safely to the surface of Mars? Will we Miss the Planet Completely? Will the Antenna do what it was designed to do? All of these Questions haunt you continuously!

The Trip back to the Hotel was a Joyous one and Needless to say we Partied for a couple of Hours More..Phone Calls Home and the Congratulations Were Being Handed out over the Phone Lines.

© 1997

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