These wallpapers were produced using my fractal applet and Microsoft Paint. The colors can be modified using Paint or Paintbrush (depending on which version of Windows you have) by using the color eraser. They make good wallpapers for your desktop.

If you would like to make your own, follow these steps:

  1. Select the colors and the fractal from my gallery.
  2. Start the fractal.
  3. When it looks good, stop it.
  4. Hit the Print Screen button to copy the screen to the clipboard.
  5. Create a new picture in Paint or Paintbrush.
  6. Copy the image from the clipboard.
  7. Get rid of everything you don't want.
  8. Edit it. - 32K - Get all of the pictures in one zip file. Because of the compression, this file is smaller than most of the images are by themselves!

dragon4c.bmp - 35K - The Twin Dragon fractal in four colors tiled.

dragon.bmp - 27K - The Twin Dragon fractal in two colors tiled. If you like the background of this web page, you'll like this wallpaper because it is the same thing, except the colors are different, the format is different, and the one on this page is smaller.

quilt.bmp - 47K - A colorful version of the quilt fractal. I colored the squares differently to make it more interesting.

triangle.bmp - 47K - A colorful version of the sierpinski triangle. I did essentially the same thing I did to the quilt.

spiral.bmp - 59K - A neat version of the spiral fractal with every other spiral painted in a different color.

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Information on Fractals