Metro Atlanta Police Officers
City of Atlanta Police Officers
Zone one (northwest Atlanta, Bankhead hwy, Bolton Rd.)
Moore, Vincent (watch)Not
Submitted, (Rank)Major
Sheppard, Undra, Lee(watch),
Evening 1500-2300, (Rank)Lieutenant, (Major Streets on my Beat)I
patrol Booker, Martin Luther etc.
Zone two (northeast Atlanta, Peachtree St., Roswell Rd.)
Broom, Gary, P.(watch) Day
0700-1500 (Rank) Officer (Beat) 2203 (Major Streets on my Beat)
BYNE,RICHARD P.(watch)Evening
1500-2300, (Rank)Officer, (Beat)3207, (Major Streets on my
Cooper, Paul E.(Zone)Z-2
F.I.T., (watch)Day 0700-1500, (Rank)Officer
(watch)Evening 1500-2300, (Rank)Officer, (Beat)209, (Major Streets on
my Beat) Hollywood Rd., Bolton Rd., Marietta Blvd.
Trombley, Jason,
A.(watch)Evening 1500-2300, (Rank)Officer, (Beat)ROUST
Zone three (southeast Atlanta, Stewart Ave., Cleveland
Agan, Danny, Jr.
(watch)Evening 1500-2300, (Rank)Officer, (Beat)3310, (Major Streets
on my Beat)jonesboro rd. at i 285 cleveland ave., southside ind.
Cantin, Jeffrey (watch)Day
0700-1500, (Rank)Officer, (Beat)2310,2309, (comments) I'm currently
running out of the Zone 3 mini at 2027 Metropolitian Pky SW, Atlanta GA 30315
Fisher, Kenneth
J.(watch)Morning 2300-0700, (Rank)Officer
Griffin, Andrew t.(watch)Morning
2300-0700, (Rank)Officer, (Beat)roust,
Hiott, Jason
S.(watch)Evening 1500-2300, (Rank)Officer, (Beat) roust
Johns, Steve(watch)Morning
2300-0700, (Rank)Sergeant.
Stanionis, R(watch)Day
0700-1500, (Rank)Officer
Zone four (southwest Atlanta, Cascade Rd., Campbellton Rd.
Condland, Matthew J. ,
(watch) Day 0700-1500, (Rank) Officer, (Beat) 2403, Avon Ave.,
Cascade Rd.
Gruber, Todd C. ,(watch) Evening
1500-2300,(Rank) Officer (Roust)
Longshore, J (watch) Morning
2300-0700, (Rank) Officer, (Beat)1420, (Major Streets on my Beat)I20
east from I285 to H.E.Holmes, M.L.King Jr Dr., Lynhurst, B.E.Mays,
Peyton Rd., Cascade Rd, and I285 north from Cascade to I20
Zone five (downtown Atlanta, International Blvd., Spring
(watch)1600-0000, (Rank)Officer, (Beat)MIDTOWN
Avery, Mark, S
(watch)Day 0700-1500, (Rank)Officer
Dorsey Andy(Zone 5
F.I.T.),(watch)1200-2000, (Rank)Officer.
Finch, Paul, S.
Jr.(watch)Evening 1500-2300, (Rank)Officer, (Beat)521(A-Sector
Umbrella), (Major Streets on my Beat) Peachtree St., Boulevard, North
Ave., Ponce De Leon Ave., Decatur St., Ralph McGill Blvd., 10th St.,
Piedmont Ave.
Zone six (southeast Atlanta)Memorial Dr., Boulavard)
Guzman, Carmelo (watch)Day
0700-1500, (Rank)Officer, (Beat)roust
King, Daniel(watch)Morning
2300-0700, (Rank)Officer
Owen, Jeff (watch)Morning
2300-0700, (Rank)Officer, (Beat)1601, (Major Streets on my Beat)PDL,
Moreland , Dekalb Ave.
Senzer, Andrew C.(watch)Evening
1500-2300, (Rank)Officer, (Beat)604, (Major Streets on my Beat)
Boulevard Dr, College Ave, Memorial Dr., Kirkwood Rd., Warren St.
F(watch)Morning 2300-0700, (Rank)Officer, (Beat)roust, (Major
Streets on my Beat)Moreland Ave, Boulevard DR, Dekalb Ave, Ponce De
Leon Ave, Memorial Dr. I-20, Flat Shoals
S.O.S. (Special Operations, DUI taksforce, Swat, Motors,
housing authority, etc.)
Dobson, Travis L., R.E.D.
D.O.G., (Rank)Officer, CITY WIDE, (Watch)Hours 24/7
Geisz, Larry Housing
Authority, (watch)Evening 1500-2300, (Rank)Officer, (Beat)All Atlanta
Lavallee, Jeffrey P.
(Zone)Motors, (watch)Evening 1500-2300, (Rank)Officer
S.I.S. (special investigations)
Nowell, Harold E, (Hal),
(section)SIS, (Zone)Weed & Seed, (watch)1000-1800, (Rank)Officer,
(Major Streets on my Beat)Neighborhoods of
Thomasville,Mechanicsville, McDaniel-Glenn, and Capital Homes.
Detectives (Property crime, sex crimes, etc.)
Allen, Tim L.,
(section)CID, (Zone)Auto Theft, (watch)Day 0700-1500,
Bennett, Scott H.
(section)CID, (Zone)Homicide, (watch)Day 0700-1500,
Carter, Anthony
W.(section)CID/SIS, (Zone)Licenses & Permits,(watch)Day
0700-1500, (Rank)Detective
Christian, Ed
(section)C.I.D.,(Zone)Robbery, (watch)Evening 1500-2300,
Gruber, Melody M.(section)CID,
(Zone)Youth Squad, (watch)Evening 1500-2300, (Rank)Detective
Titus, Daniel, (section)CID,
High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Task Force (HIDTA),
(watch)1000-1800, (Rank)Detective
Whitmire, J. Wayne (section)CID,
(Zone)Narcotics, (watch)Evening 1500-2300, (Major Streets on my
Beat)Entire City, Zone 5 and Zone 2 , but can be found anywhere.
Airport (responsible for airport police)
Villafane, Joseph A.,
(Zone)Airport, K9 Unit, (watch)1200-2000,
(Rank)Officer,(beat)Explosive Detection / Citywide
Other Officers with the city of Atlanta Police department
Louis(section)TSD, (Zone)Identification,
Michael P.
Coughlin(section) FOD, Deputy Chief Office(watch) Day 0700-1500
(Rank) Officer.
Giugliano, Michael
(section)ASD, (Zone)Background, (watch)Day 0700-1500,
Civilian Employees of the Atlanta Police Department
Clarke, Richard
(section)ASD, (Zone)Planning and Research, (watch)Day 0700-1500,
City of Acworth Police Department
Uniform (watch) Evening 1500-2300 (Rank) Officer (Major Streets on my
Beat) Highway 41, Highway 92, Highway 293
Cobb County Police Department
Cox, C.T. (zone/Assignment)
Special Operations (watch) Day 0700-1500 (Rank) Sergeant (Beat)
County wide
McCulloch, Scott
(zone/Assignment)Special Operations, (watch)Day 0700-1500,
City of College Park Police Department
Friedrich, Scott,
(zone/Assignment)Tri-Cities N.T.F., (watch)Evening 1500-2300,
(Rank)Detective, (Beat) South Fulton
Riser, Gerald V. Patrol
Division, (Zone)4, (watch)Day 0700-1500, (Rank)Officer, (Major
Streets on my Beat)Lakeshore Dr., Camp Creek Pkwy., Herschel Rd.,
Riverdale Rd.
City of Decatur Police Department
Goss, Scott
(Rank)Sergeant, (Beat)all city, (Major Streets on my Beat)clairmont
ave., scott blvd., w. howard ave., college ave. (comments) I am
assigned to a traffic unit which works 4/10hr shift at different
times each week
Rice, Matt
(zone/Assignment)all city, (watch)12 hour rotating shifts..
(Rank)Officer, (Beat)City has 4 zones,alternate zones each day of
Dekalb County Police Department
North Precinct
Ellison, Kevin (watch)Evening
1500-2300, (Rank)Sergeant
Estlund, Jim
F.(zone/Assignment)North Precinct C.O.P. unit, (watch) Tue &
Wed. 0700-1600, Thurs Fri. & Sat. 1800- 0300(Rank)Sergeant,
(Beat)All of North Dekalb County, (Major Streets on my Beat)Buford
Highway & Peachtree Road, Clairmont Road & Peachtree
Industrial Blvd., N. Druid Hills Road & Dresden Drive.
Harris, R. Scott
(Assignment)Uniform, (watch)Evening 1500-2300, (Rank)Officer,
South Precinct
Ellison, RK (watch) Morning
2300-0700 (Rank) Sergeant
East Precinct
Mitchell, Marc A.,
(watch)Morning 2300-0700, (Rank)Master Police Officer,(Beat) 481M E-2
City Of Forest Park Police Department
Scott, James (Rank) Officer,
(Major Streets on my Beat) Jonesboro Rd., Old Dixie Hwy., Forest
Martin, William
E.(zone/Assignment) Senior Patrolman (watch)I work 7pm -
7am.(Rank) S.P.O. (Major Streets on my Beat) Jonesboro Rd. and Old
Dixie Hwy.
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Fulton County Police Department
North Precinct
Browning, Thomas,
M(section)MCD, (Zone)Major Case, (watch)M-F 9-5, (Rank)
Lapides, David
S(watch)Evening 1500-2300, (Rank)Officer, (Beat)322, (Major
Streets on my Beat)I-285East/ Roswell Road/Powers Ferry Road
Mcgowan, Marc
P.(zone/Assignment)patrol, (watch)Day 0700-1500, (Rank)Officer,
(Beat)224, (Major Streets on my Beat)roswell rd, abernathy rd,
johnson ferry rd,
Stark, Mike(watch)Evening
1500-2300, (Rank)Officer, (major streets on my beat)Roswell Rd.,
Abernathy Rd., GA 400
Williamson, David(watch)Day
0700-1500, (Rank)Officer, (major streets on my beat)Roswell Rd.,
Abernathy Rd., GA 400
South Precinct
Glenn, Spurgeon A.
III(zone/Assignment)South Precinct-Special Services,
(watch)0900-1700, (Rank)Corprol, (Beat)Library Patrol
Sidre, Louis
E.(zone/Assignment)South Precinct-Special Services,
(watch)0900-1700 (Rank)DET. II, (Beat)Library Patrol
Williams,B.K WATCH: Day
RANK: Detective
Fulton County Sheriff Department
Cuevas Cost
Sr.(Zone)1, (watch)Evening 1500-2300, (Rank)Officer, (Beat)Fulton
S.O. Zone 1, (Major Streets on my Beat) Bankhead, Northside Dr, M.L.K
&. Campbellton Rd.
COURTHOUSE, watch: Day Watch, rank: Officer beat: ZONE 4
Russo, David, A.(reserves),
(zone/Assignment) Jail Task Force/ERU, (Rank) Sergeant, (comments)
Jail work, and ERU work, about 30 hrs./wk.
Moelter, John E
(zone/Assignment)Service, (Warrant)Division, (watch)Evening
1500-2300, (Rank)Officer, see web page at
Forsyth Police Department
Alexander Phil
(zone/Assignment)Traffic Enforcement/ Hit and Run Unit, (watch)I make
up my hours when I want to work., (Rank)Officer
Martin,Brian C
(zone/Assignment) zone 26/28 (watch) Day 0700-1500 (Rank) Officer
(Major Streets on my Beat) Ga.Hwy 369, Hwy 9, Ga 400
Georgia Building Authority Police Department
Ralph "Danny" Harper,
(zone/Assignment), Bicycle Patrol Unit, (watch)Evening 1500-2300,
(Rank)Officer, (Major Streets on my Beat) Downtown Atlanta, State
Capitol Area, (comments)I am a patch colllector who will trade with
any L.E. officer.
City of Gainsville Police Department
Mitchell, Stephen A
(zone/Assignment)Mid Watch, (watch)1600 to 0230,(Rank)Officer,(Major
Streets on my Beat)Pearl Nix Pkwy, John Morrow Pkwy, Dawsonville Hwy,
Ga Hwy 369.
City of Griffin Police Department
Wallace, Karen D
(zone/Assignment) Patrol, (watch) I work 12 hr. rotating shifts,
(Rank) Officer
Gwinett County Police Department
Price, Jim,
(zone/Assignment)Auto Theft, (watch)Day 0700-1500, (Rank)
M.(zone/Assignment)UNIFORM, (watch)Day 0700-1500, (Rank)Officer,
(Beat)DISTRICT ONE., WESTSIDE PRECINCT, (Major Streets on my
Gwinett County Sheriff Department
Allen, Melinda
D.(zone/Assignment)County Wide, (watch)Evening
City Of Marietta Police Department
Beam, David W.
(zone/Assignment)Watch Commander, (watch)Day 0700-1500,
Kiess, Robert (BOB)
(zone/Assignment) Foot Beat (watch) Day 0700-1500 (Rank) Officer
(Beat) Marietta Square (Major Streets on my Beat)Marietta
Square,Roswell St. Atlanta St. Cherokee St. Church St. Powder Springs
St. Whitlock Ave. Lawrence St.
Paulding County Sheriff's Dept.
David ZONE: Criminal Investigations, WATCH: Day Watch, RANK:
Detective, BEAT: Roust
Rockdale County Sheriff's Dept.
Miller, Jason
D.(zone/Assignment)uniform division, (watch)Day 0700-1500,
City of Roswell Police Department
Elliott, Mike -
Accreditation Manager (watch) Day 0700-1500 (Rank) Officer
City of Snellville Police
Todd(zone/Assignment)City Wide, (watch)Evening 1500-2300,
(Rank)Officer, (Beat)City has 4 zones, (Major Streets on my Beat)Hwy
78, Hwy 124, Ronald Reagan Parkway
Spalding County Sheriff's Department
Ranieri, Tony (Rank)Detective
City of Woodstock Police Department
King, Dan Criminal Investigations
Unit, WATCH: Day Watch, RANK: Sergeant, BEAT:Citywide

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