Welcome to Paul Karlin's Web Pages!

[[ Contents ][ Cool Links ][ GuestBook ][ NM ][ Parade ][ PD ][ Records ]]
[[ Cruise ][ Me ][ People ][ Picture ][ Plans ][ Résumé ][ Summer ]]

PUBLIC PAGES - My small contribution to the Web community. Date
Cool Links
PolitiStock The latest crazy internet game! Buy and sell politicians with fake money.
Web Resources Connect, Browse, Search, Publish.
The Real World Life outside the Web.
Museums on the Web Comprehensive lists, plus my favorites.
Slightly Less Serious What to do with too much time.
New Mexico
A Quick Photo-Tour
Here's a place I never would have expected to spend so much time in or enjoy so much. 7-15-99
Parade Page
All about the Macy*s
Thanksgiving Day
News What's new?
Statistics The parade, its route, and some of its balloons.
Behind-the-Scenes An unofficial guide to the parade and balloon-handling.
Past Posses How many of my friends, and which balloons we carried.
Parade Links The parade elsewhere on the web.
Procurement Desktop
PD has grown up and become famous!!! 3-6-98
World Records
Not quite Guinness...
A very strange effort by my co-workers. 2-5-96
PERSONAL PAGES - Useful if you know me, maybe interesting if you don't.  Date
Cruise 2000 (C2K)
Cruise Posse HQ Summary and links.
Test Cruise 1998 Lessons learned, and links to photos.
Cruise 2000 (C2K) Planning Schedule, deadlines, and the survey.
GuestBook I'd love to hear what y'all think about my pages. 1-1-99
Me, Myself, & I
Background Just a general introduction.
Hobbies Yes I actually have some spare time in my life.
Posse Coordination I'm not only the president, I'm also a client!
Favorite Quotes Many of them have an obscure meaning. Feel free to ask if you don't get it.
People Pages If I know you and you have a Web page, you should be on this list. This is next on MY list to update. 3-10-97
Picture Page Some alliteration, and a photo too. 4-30-97
Where? When? Why?
Look here to see if I have any travel plans or other big events scheduled in my life. 11-22-99
Résumé A hopelessly out-of-date exercise in HTML. I'll get around to this after my People Page. 2-20-96
Summer Posses Look here for details on past and future summer trips! Expect an update in April. 9-11-97
Where Am I? Check out ICQ, I log in regularly. - My current ICQ status: 7-7-98


[[ Contents ][ Cool Links ][ GuestBook ][ NM ][ Parade ][ PD ][ Records ]]
[[ Cruise ][ Me ][ People ][ Picture ][ Plans ][ Résumé ][ Summer ]]
[[ Paul Karlin ][ pkarlin@crosswinds.net ]]