The Common Man's
Book of World Records
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Welcome to the world's largest collection of obscure records.
This list has been compiled by a committee of 12 members who have designed
the list to include world records never attempted before. One of the team
leaders, Daniel Craig, will be breaking his third world record this August
during the annual Marine Corps Marathon in Virginia. The second team leader,
Greg Shepherd, holds the best marks for both the pay phone toss and the
indoor box kick.
To date, we have received over
regarding records. Several records have been broken more than once -- over
twenty records were proposed and adopted by our internet audience out there.
Send E-mail to Daniel Craig
or Greg Shepherd if...
- You have attempted and broken any of these records.
Please furnish specific information about your attempt such as bitmaps of
pictures, news clippings, or similar material. Be sure to include
quantitative information about your attempt as well so that we can
maintain the records.
- You have a NEW record you would like us to include.
Be specific when describing the new record. Include methods and units of
measurement. Include any attempts to date to break the record.
- You would like clarification regarding a particular record.
Ask about more specific instructions governing attempts to break records.
Check this site regularly as records are being added and broken on a
daily basis.
Note: Most of these records can be recorded as two records:
one clothed and the other performed in the nude.
- Pay telephone toss for distance (no coins in phone)
- Longest time watching TV without falling asleep. (must include
one episode of Different Strokes)
- Fastest time to expend one blue Bic medium point rollerball
pen (cannot break pen, must be clear plastic kind)
- Farthest toss of a Pog (the cardboard ones)
- Loudest body noise (may not use your mouth in any fashion,
in decibels)
- Empty box kick (1ft x1x1 standard cardboard box, indoor and
outdoor records)
- Tuba Toss for distance
- Fastest pitch of a 2 liter soda bottle (in mph)
- Duration remaining in the 'splits' position
- Quantity of various foods eaten in 1 minute (e.g. peanut butter,
eggs, ice cream, slurpees, bubble gum)
- Longest time going without a shower
- Most regulation baseballs/basketballs held at one time
- Greatest distance a beer bottle cap has been snapped
- Most knots tied in cherry stems in 1 minute
- Most dental floss pulled through sinus cavity
- Longest game of Monopoly
- Fastest time shaving face/legs/head (the shaving beard is
a Guinness record...)
- Fastest 1 mile time with egg on spoon
- Longest time wearing a football helmet
- Duration for repeating "This must annoy you"
- Longest time spent in a pool/bathtub
- Most Jell-O eaten in 24 hour period (could be any of the food
done in event 10)
- Longest distance crawled while dragging tin cans on a string
- Longest distance traveled in a metropolitan subway system (in miles)
- Fastest mile blindfolded
- Furthest "snap" of a JC Penny's men's briefs (size 36)
- Fastest opening of a sealed standard #10 envelope
- Fastest 100m with grocery bag over head
- Farthest punt of a Webster's Dictionary (two events- one for
abridged and one for unabridged)
- Longest time hanging by one arm
- Fastest 100m carrying a small refrigerator (those small dorm
- Briefcase toss
- Fastest climb of large escalator the wrong way (a standard
size should be made based on the Rosslyn Metro escalators)
- Fastest 100m in 2in high heels
- Most marbles in mouth
- Fastest ingestion of the first section of a Wall Street Journal
- Most accurate memorization of Pi (this has been done)
- Longest sled down uncarpeted stairs (sled must be the plastic
toboggan type)
- Fastest recital of the 50 states in the order they were admitted
- Farthest toss of a HD 3.5 diskette (no label)
- Fastest 100m crawling
- longest spin (time wise) of a hockey puck on its axis
- fastest click up time of solitaire in Windows 3.1
- Largest collection (this can be anything Pez dispensers, slugs,
baseball cards, pencils)
- Most teeth
- Highest hair
- Longest nose
- Thickest thighs
- Longest burp
- Farthest run with a lit standard 6 inch sparkler
- Longest swim carrying a 40 lb. knapsack
- Longest time spent on a diving board
- Longest shot of a rubber dart gun
- Longest time balancing a quarter on nose
- Most bounces of a superball from a single toss
- Alphabet backwards for time
Pearl Mitchell // 1.9 seconds
- Longest distance traveled doing military crawl
- Fastest drinking 10 gallons of water.
- Beard of ants
- Highest stack of chairs
- Longest time White House trees before being arrested
- Longest sustained note on a trumpet
- Longest time on an elevator
- Longest time chained to a fire hydrant
- Fastest 1 mile time carrying a keg
- Farthest distance traveled while popping a wheelie on a bike
- Longest time standing still on a bike with both feet on the pedals
- Longest time keeping a hacky-sack aloft (Team/individual)
- Furthest distance traveled on a hippity-hoppity
- Longest time gone without relieving oneself.
- Most water consumed without relieving oneself. (note, a whole
chapter could be dedicated to 'most time doing whatever without
relieving oneself')
- Most 911 calls logged in one day (before being arrested).
- Most people mooned at one time.
- Most people mooning you at one time.
- Time spent eating nothing but Twizzlers.
- High score in Donkey Kong. (& High score naked)
- Most Dione Worwick albums owned.
- Oldest inspection sticker on the road.
- Most library books checked out at once. (multiple libraries
OK, but they can't be overdue.)
- Most hairs pulled from your body in an hour.
- Most junk mail received in one year
- Farthest rubber-band fling (standard size)
- Most Diet Cokes consumed in one day
- Most internet email received in one day (in MB)
- 100 m. dash with scissors
- Dropping heaviest object on foot
- Eating foot long sub, then 50m swim for time
- Wesson oil chug
- Mustard drink-off
- Longest time pushing a lawn mower
- Longest line ever drawn
- Highest stack of bricks (laid single file)
- Most glass panes broken with single rock/brick throw
- Longest jumping rope
- Longest hanging upside down
- Longest sitting Indian style
- Most road-kill gathered in a day
- Fling a computer mouse like an Olympic Hammer throw for distance
(Microsoft ergonomic kind)
- Cotton ball toss for distance
- Longest time watching reruns of Knight Rider (or any
show for that matter)
- Longest throw of a wiffle ball.
- The highest distance that you can drop a shoe box containing
an egg that doesn't break on impact.
- Shortest distance from oncoming train crossed in front of.
(requires precise measurement)
- Longest lasting scar (measured in days) inflicted upon oneself
with a bottle of Elmer's Glue.
- Most mattress tags removed.
- Most times using the word "bulbous" in a published
sentence, using proper English.
- Gargle pudding for time.
- Highest monetary debt.
- Most vinyl albums ruined by leaving them in a hot car.
- Washing car windshield for time. (with your tongue)
- Longest amount of time a Lifesaver will last in your mouth.
- Longest two-way phone call with constant conversation (about
setting this record)
- Most consecutive freethrows with a watermelon
- Most bounces on a mattress
- Most consecutive days living on a balance beam
- Fastest emptying of a standard stapler.
- Most staples put into your body at once
- Most paperclips attached to your person at once
- Most stitches
- Most relatives serving life sentences
- Most money collected from a mall fountain (without being caught).
- Most days suspended from high school.
- Longest working yo-yo.
- Most rolls of Scotch tape wrapped around your face.
- Biggest Butt.
- Most haircuts given on a trans-Atlantic flight
Peter Krauss of Fareham, England // 7
- Most viewings of "Flashdance" in a row.
UCLA ski club // 33
- Highest scab pile produced from one body in a month
David McGood of Hawntown, Pa // 2&3/8"
- Most pairs of socks worn at same time at Niagara Falls
Megan Prony of Lansing, Michigan // 12
- Longest sustained lick of asphalt
Basil Nevins of Toronto, Canada // 1 hour, 17 min.
- Most professional sports events attended with 2 egg yolks
in underwear
Jason Riddley of Trenton, NJ // 132
- Most squat-thrusts on an escalator in one session
Glen Schlacknik of Austin, Texas // 5216
- Longest throw of a standard US mailbox from a running start
Charles Zenk of Ellicott City, Maryland // 33'
- Most windbreakers worn by a pregnant woman during labor
Gwen Osgood of Rush Falls, Illinois // 6
- Most Whoppers eaten on a half-pipe in an hour
Ray Thendel of Baltimore, Maryland // 23 -- THE TRICK IS STAYING
- Longest time "treading A-1"
Jennifer Royknis of Batarn, Wisconsin // 45 min., 13 sec
- Most foot-long hoagies stuffed in bra
Melissa Lassitter of Albany, New York // 8
- Longest rendition of "Wanna Be Startin Something"
performed live before a crowd of more than 12 people
Hugh and the Mud Sticks of Gainesville, Florida // 2 hours, 25 min.
- Most consecutive days of wearing nothing but a bikini in Amish country
Jan Polclesky of Red Lion, Pa // 24 days
- Longest summer roadtrip in an un-air conditioned minivan full
of pork sausage
Tim Scott of Hunker, California // 47 days -- HE DIDN'T KNOW
- Longest list of obscure records
ABE Team of Arlington, VA // 143
- Most Cheetos in mouth at one time
- Most candles blown out in one breath
- Most gallons of water chugged in the shower
- Longest run with an empty keg tied to your waist by a 15 foot rope