My Links

These are all random links to some of my friend's sites, or just ones I like.

Links to other sites on the Web

Beast Wars Annonymous The #1 Beast wars fanfic site on the internet, tons-fics.
Ivyna J. Spider's page Sister-page to BWA, also contains my fics, she also has a Poke'mon page, Gotta catch'em all!
ALIEN Legacy An awesome Aliens page, tons of images and likewise.
Los X-Files A cool Spanish X-files site, great images, if you can figure out where they are.
SciFi Links An awesome link page.
Moonkitty's Page My editor, she has a beast Wars page, A Poke'mon page, and Sailor Moon.
My school project site.
Inferno's Beast Wars page A really cool page about my favorite character.
Beast Wars Ultimo Lotsa' Beast Wars stuff.
Scaleblade's lair Another friend of mine, Poke'mon and Beast Wars.
Ships some cool ships from Escape Velocity.
K+7's board A discussion board I visit.
Movie/TV Midi Archive Where I get all my music.
The Flying Cow A fun page to pass the time away, or just go there and fling some cows!
The Museum of Unnatural Mystery A weird site with information on some of the World's wonders and mysteries.
The Official Tremors fan page One of the few pages on one of my favorite movies.
The Predator Home Page Some good Predator images.
JoKeR2's and McRandy's Predator Links Page A number of Predator links.
Brick Wars Cool home-made Star Wars Lego sets.
Ryley's Alien and Predator Website A very good Alien and Predator Website, some really cool movies.
Piccolo PicsSome really cool pics of my favorite DBZ character, links to a huge image archive.
The Matrix One of my friend's home pages, Beast Wars and Beast Machines.
Talon's Beast Wars Fanfiction Archive A great page with lots of fics, including mine, as well as images and other Beast Wars related content.
Razorpack's Homepage one of my friend's homepages, mostly Beast Wars.


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Native Son 5 Paragraph Essay Ben Armentrout The 1950's were a harsh era for African Americans, this resulted in many different froms of hatred and resentment. The Story, Native Son, conveyed in great detail the internal struggles of a young black man in the 1950's. Bigger Thomas was a man apart, torn between what he wanted to be and what society meant him to be. Many black people shared this struggle with Bigger, although there were infinitely different types of reactions, from resenting acceptance to hateful defiance. The 1950's were a dark place for African Americans, wedged between supposed freedom and blatent oppresion. I chose black rage as my theme because this time period is littered with a myriad of reactions to oppresion and racism. In the 1950's African Americans were realizing themselves, many were growing more and more frustrated with the manner in which they were being treated. Not all blacks fought however, many simply accepted that it was the way things were. However, this does not mean that they liked it, quite the opposite, the ones who accepted the way things were, like Bigger, often had more anger inside than those who fought their oppression. I believe this is because the one's fighting, although their lives were harder, were able to vent, while those who laid down bottled everything inside, allowing it to swell and fester within their hearts. Of the different Biggers I believe black rage is best represented by the second Bigger. This Bigger, to me, is set apart from the others by his knowledge of the source of his anger."The hardness of Bigger No. 2 was not directed toward me or the other Negroes, but toward the whites who ruled the South."_p.435. This Bigger hated his circumstances, thus he hated the source of those circumstances. "We did without the necessities of life and starved ourselves, but he never would."_p.435. This Bigger is not the activist, nor the pacifist, he is a combination of hatred and non-compliance, but also a cold acceptance. "Bigger No. 2 wanted to live and he did; he was in prison the last I heard from him."_p.435. Although he fought the image set upon him he still succumed to it, this Bigger still confined himself to the cage, he just ventured deeper into the corners. The theme of black rage ran rampant in this novel, one would find it hard to read twenty pages without coming accross at least one form of it. One of the first and probably most common among Blacks was in the first section of the novel. After Bigger and his friends see a plane cross the sky; "'Them white boys sure can fly,' Gus said. 'Yeah,' Bigger said, wistfully. 'They get a chance to do everything.'"_p.16. Bigger is displaying his frustration of the opportunities missed because of his skin, giving small connotations to the hatred that builds within. I am sure that many people during the 1950's felt this very way, in fact I would be surprised if any did not hold these feelings. Another example from the novel is Bigger's anger and frustration at Mary. When Mary questions Bigger about work unions while Mr. Dalton is interviewing him new emotions display themselves, "He hated the girl then. Why did she have to do this when he was trying to get a job?"_p.52. This shows a change in Bigger's hatred, which had previously been distributed among all whites, but is now centralized momentarily on one being. This may have been the first turning point for Bigger, a kind of incling of future events. The last example of black rage in this novel that I would like to discuss is much later in the novel. "Bigger wondered if Jan would turn on him now. He wondered if he could really trust any white man, even this white man who had come and offered him his friendship."_p.317. This is the last form of black rage, more of an effect really, African Americans of the time felt like they could not trust any white people because of the treatment they had recieved from so many of the race. In conclusion I would like to state that black rage is more of a disease than a state of mind. When a person feels the anger involved in oppression they are corroded by it, they hate because of it, and often they become what they hate being type-cast as in the first place. Bigger was an excellent example of several stages of black rage, and the mistakes that can be brought about. "A people cannot be blamed for a behavior that has been assighned to them."_Poullies. It is not the fault of the possessor of the anger, but the bestower. Racism, in its dark, raw form was what brought about the circumstances and poor decisions that condemned Bigger Thomas.