What's New?

A friend suggested I put this up, so, here it is. Every time I update I will tell what's new.

5-5-02: I now have my own artwork on the internet, yay! Check it out, plus I got to see Star Wars ep. II before everybody else.

5-5-02: Que pasa? I really need to work on this site more often.

2-8-02: Hm, haven't worked on the site for a while huh? I wonder if anybody's even still here, a well, some stuff should be up again soon.

7-18: Alrighty, I put up Changing Cards in the BWDC section, Roll Call p.3 will be up probably by tomorrow, music is already uploaded, I still have to work the character outlines for Dinobot Chronicles. I will also have Setting Darkness up in the BWDC section soon, you'll like that one. See everybody later, I'm going to go see Jurassic Park III. :)

7-9: Yipes, I haven't worked on this page forever, good thing I have three incoming fics, and sometime soon I'll finish the outlines on the Viruses, then move onto the massive outlines in the BWV and Allied Wars sections. I gave the front page a makeover, hope you like it! Sorry I haven't worked on the site for so long. Festus3

11-14: Hi, I just finished the Predacon profiles in BWDC, I have decided to insert an episode between 'Cry Havok' and 'Battle Royal', it's over half done now, 'Changing Cards.' I guess that's all for today, oh! When I replaced the counter it somehow multiplied itself to a slightly inflated number, I'm not sure why.

10-17: Okay, TAW 5 is up, The Allied Wars are now officialy redone and much better. I am currently working on the next episode of the Dinobot Chronicles, Battle Royal. See y'all later!

9-29: Wow, I haven't updated very much lately, I've been fixing TAW p.5, it's almost ready, I also finished the Amazons bios section under BWDC, next up, the Preds, then viruses and Scream, then a whole butt-load of'em in BWV, hoy-vay! I also need to work on the next episode of the Dinobot Chronicles. Don't forget to stop by the Pub!

8-19: Just got back from Camp, tonight I put up 'The Allied Wars p.4' Sorry I haven't worked on much lately.

8-6: Today I put up Roll Call p.2 and another section in the character bio's under Dinobot Chronicles.

7-28: Whoo-hoo! De-tassling's over! I added a few links, check'em out, I altered the Titans section inside the Dinobot Chronicles, I also started on Dinobot's maximals, there are only three up so far. I'll doing more here and there for a while so stay tuned.

7-19: I tried to put up my home-made logo today but the black turns to white, if anyone knows how to fix this e-mail me or post at the Pub.

7-13: The reason i haven't updated in a while is because I am doing de-tassling (I HATE CORN!!!) Today I added 'Cry Havok' to BWDC, with music and all.

7-3: Nothing very big, I added an image to TAW p.1

6-29: Today I added my Poke'Mon images page. I am still working on my character bio pages, the Titans are still the only complete ones.

6-23: Okay, here we go, I joined the TF Ring, I put up a counter, I started my image pages, I added extra links between sections of the site, I reloaded several music files because they got deleted by my fault, I started my next fics and working on the last two Allied Wars (You can't see them so I don't know why I said it.), I think that's it for now.

6-22: I finished adding music to all of my fics, I also put up The Allied Wars p.3.

6-19: Today I put up a character bio section in The Beast Wars Dinobot Chronicles, so far I only have the Titans done, I hope to put a section up in Beast Wars Voyager and The Allied Wars.

6-17: To start off, I have all my currently finished fanfics on the site, my newest is Roll Call p.1, I also have background music in the following fics:

Dinobot Chronicles:
Episode 1
Children of Starscreem
Past and Present
Quoth the Raven
The Name's Jaw, Razorjaw
Welcome to the Rock

Beast Wars Voyager:
BWV p.1 & 2
Opposing Forces
Cabin Fever
Untouchables p.1 & 2
Roll Call p.1

I have also now put up an Alien dance site because I was bored, heh heh.


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