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Criminology, The Law &Forensics

Law Enforcement

Police Officers     


Crime Stoppers

Links to various police departments, R.C.M.P. state police  departments, FBI and more. Police officers can find information , training information,educational institutes and links to other,important information. Judges can find case transcripts.Previous decsisions and new trends in sentencing. You can also find contact information for various Crime Stoppers organizations and other ways you can dafely report crime annonymously.


Stalking      Crime Forensics Unsolved Murders

Links to research information, on going studies, crime scene technology, evidence collection and new trends in the field. I will be adding my own studies and research papers as I complete them. I am currently studying criminology at Simon Fraser University. The Links you will find here may have been used to complete an assignment or have been an excellent source of intersting
information that may be help you.

The Law   

Legal Help Law Offices Library


The newsroom contains links to new sources including CNN, USA Today, The Sun Newspapers,BCTV,CHECK,and other news sources. You can view actual articles with proper copyright information. These are great for reserach for assigments or personal interest. I usually add at least one new one article each week and I don't remove them after I add them so they are always available.

Young Offenders

Youth and Crime


The young offenders act in Canada is going through some changes,use the new linksI have added to keep informed. If you are a parent check out the links to informtaion on what to do if your child is arrested, convicted or jailed. There are also links to help you deal with your child after he/she is released,and various kinds of sentencing for youth. This information is mostly for Canadians at the moment as I come across information on youh in other
countries I will add.

Sexual Assault

Sexual Assault


If you have been sexually assaulted or know someone who has then you can find support and help here. Links to laws, womens organizations, insprational stories, ways to heal, books to read, and ways to reclaim YOUR life. You can also visit the PERSONAL SAFETY and SELF DEFENSE SITE which I have also created.

General Interest

OJ Simpdon Trial Facts

These links and pages I have created are for general interest. I add them as I come across the information so if you come across intersting sites please send the url to the email below and I will add it, if you include your name you will get credit for finding the site.

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Names addresses and phone numbers of various lawyers. Most of the information is for Canadians but I am adding sites for American lawyers as I comeacross them. The Library has a collection of books, listed with the publishing company and author incase you need to order them. Legal Help is for those,who REMEMBER THESE SITES DON"T CONTAIN ACTUAL LEGAL ADVICE. IF YOU NEED ADVICE CALL,

Missing People

Find Missing Children

The missing peope links provide you with information on organisations to help locate lost people, register your children, report any information you have on missing people confidentialy. Remember if you see anything unusual report it immediatly.

