Speak Your Truth Government Contacts: The Vox Pop website has a search engine to show you which representative to contact.
Contacting the Press
Grassroots Strategies
Letters to the Editor

Contacting the Press
The media can be a valuable tool in educating the public about paganism of all kinds. You might ask the local news stations to cover the next Wiccan festival, or an upcoming Hindu holy day. You could tell them about a major pagan convention in your area, or alert them to the social worker who just lost her job or the student who's being harassed for their religious beliefs. Keep in mind that it may take 2 to 6 weeks for a news station or newspaper to get back to you, so begin calling them well ahead of time. In practical terms, this means you'll be best off calling about Beltane events before the Spring Equinox. If you call your local TV news/paper, here are some points to keep in mind:
  • State the organization you're calling for, if any: "Hi, my name is Vicki Smith, and I'm calling for Fire, a local internet-based religious activism group."
  • If you're calling about a specific holiday, a convention, or an event you're putting on, ask when their deadline is for notification of local events.
  • Ask who you should contact about covering your event/holiday.
  • Get your contact's fax and phone numbers.
  • Find out how far in advance to notify your contact of an event.
  • Ask if they have a reporter who usually covers religious events. Get a name.
  • Find out what the best way to reach this reporter is.

    Keep a notebook or a file where you list all this information so you can contact the right person in a hurry.

    Grassroots Techniques (http://ftp.uni-erlangen.de/pub/other/eff/Social_responsibility/Activism/activ_techniques.summary
    [From Jim Warren's _GovAccess_ online newsletter.]

    A Call to Action! - Specific Political-Action Techniques for Netvolks

    [Part of my April, 1995, BoardWatch column --jim]

    In that issue of BoardWatch, after detailing a sequence of specific threats to constitutional civil liberties in current congressional proposals, I wrote:

    All of this can have a massive chilling effect on freedom of (electronic) speech, freedom of (net-based) press and freedom of (online) assembly.

    It's Up To Us

    Especially in the case of technology-related threats, it is up to the online community to sound the alarm and pursue redress.

    Congress critters and their aides are generally naive and ignorant of the complexities and ramifications of computerized information and borderless global networking, and their ramifications for traditional civil liberties. They are easily sold a bill of goods by adroit bureaucrats seeking - in all sincerity and good faith - evermore power and more convenience for its exercise.

    The general-circulation press - including, God help us!, the broadcast "press" - are normally the Fourth Estate of government, responsible for warning and educating the body politic about threats from the government. However, with too-few exceptions, most of the working press is almost as naive and ignorant as are the federal legislators.

    So it falls to us to inform them and urge their diligent attention to these technology-related public-policy issues that - if ill-considered decisions are permitted - can end freedom as we know it.

    Fortunately, we have the two absolute prerequisites for a free society: Timely access to adequate information on which to base sound decisions about our national and global community, and operational mass-communications mechanisms that permit about 35-million members of the body-politic to conduct timely communications with itself.

    We must use this power to help reach the remainder of the public, educate the press, and pursue Congress - to inform, to advocate, and shine the bright light of informed insight on technological policies that will impact the entire nation.

    The first mechanism for escalating press and legislative attention is to escalate public attention. Tell your friends, business associates and neighbors. Spread the word online and in the "real" world. Do it now.

    (First, Flame the Press)

    Sadly - infuriatingly - the general-circulation print press, with a few laudable exceptions, systematically refuses to explain the issues and policy alternatives to their general readership.

    "It's too complicated." Translation: The editor can't figure it out or a reporter can't make it entertaining.

    "Our readers wouldn't be interested." Translation: We'll give front-page coverage to the FBI's arrest of a computer-cracker, but we won't devote a solitary column-inch to explaining how the FBI aids crackers by opposing crime prevention via standardized, end-to-end robust encryption in global datacomm and cell-phone broadcasts.

    "There's not room for it." Translation: After the four-paragraph daily report on O.J.'s afternoon snack, there's no room left to mention the multi-decade impacts of national information and communications policy.

    "We've covered it - just look in the business section." Of course! Where else would the average news-paper reader look for articles about congressional [in]action and national policy that will impact everyone's daily lives for decades to come?

    And as to the broadcast "press" - Computer-cracker Mitnick in handcuffs is only useful for one or two inaccurate and incomplete voice-over explanations by an ill-informed news-anchors who wants some angle that won't offend their credit-card, cell-phone and personal-computer advertisers.

    In its endless preoccupation with what's "interesting" - entertaining to adults with 5th-grade reading skills - most of the Fourth Estate is totally-failing its most crucial responsibility to the nation - to spread the word about the long-term ramifications of major national policy-proposals.

    In fairness, however, they did give extensive coverage to the Exclusionary Rule "Reform" Act and its efforts to demolish what remains of the 4th Amendment. But they did so in what was for the most part, pallid, passionless presentations that made nary a mention of even one of the numerous abuses of police power - historical and current - that led to the 4th Amendment and the Exclusionary Rule in the first place.

    Okay, now that that's out of our system ...

    HELP the Press

    It's not that the press doesn't care - it's that most editors and reporters don't understand the ramifications of computers and networks, don't have the time or resources to learn, and don't realize its universal public importance. Help them:

    It's said that all politics is local. Contact your local newspaper(s) and local teevee news desk.

    Arrange to meet with the editor-in-chief, editorial-page editor, political reporter(s), political columnist(s) and the technology reporters who are usually imprisoned in the business pages. Contact the evening news shows' producers and assistant producers - and broadcast reporters if you can.

    Write to them, and write letters to the editor for publication. (Understand that they don't have any time and will be wondering about your motives in contacting them.) Vigilantly limit letters to one page, but include enclosures if needed.

    Approach issues in terms of information and communications - which is their turf - rather than computers and networks. Especially emphasize FOI issues - freedom of information, and agency's attempts to suppress it. Hot stuff for journalists.

    Urge that these public-policy issues be covered in the news and features sections, rather than relegating all technology-related stories to the business pages in lockstep fashion.

    Urge the technology reporter(s) to give more attention to the public-policy issues, rather than monastic preoccupation with gadget stories and money reports. Most of 'em would love to weasel some stories into the general-news pages.

    If it bleeds, it leads. Reporters do not write about theoretical generalizations and political philosophy; they write about people. Emphasize the human aspects and community impacts - on everyone - of technology-related public-policy decisions. Where possible, cite one or several actual cases that involve local people, that illustrate your points - preferably without going to extremes for the examples.

    Every time there's a policy-related technology story, immediately fax a letter to the editor that pitches a policy point that needs to be publicized, springboarding off of the story. E.g., every time there's a story about billion-dollar cell-phone fraud, or computer crackers, or phone phreaques, use it to hammer the point that our government is leaving us unnecessarily defenseless to these losses and intrusions.

    And Oh Yes, Congress ...

    Essentially use the same tactics on Congress. Don't go for your elected representative, unless you are an "important person" or know them personally or are going in representing a group - they're honestly too busy for the 500,000 or so mere humans that they represent.

    Go for their aides - these are the folks who do have access to your representatives, and do have time to talk with you. And much of the time, they are the ones who actually develop policy and legislation anyway, often guided by their legislator. Meet with them in person, whenever possible.

    In spite of my vitriolic, sarcastic cynicism and paranoia, assume that almost all cops, bureaucrats, public officials, elected representatives, congressional staffers, reporters and editors ARE honest; ARE trying to do a good job; DO work hard; and, ARE trying to make things better. In all the experience I have had, I have found this true - though one sometimes gets to quibble over what's "better."

    Either we do it - or we've had it. Let's get on with it.

    Return to top of page

    Letters to the Editor United States national, local, and college newspapers, alphabetized by name. This list is incomplete, but rapidly growing.

    Don't worry about what state you live in; newspapers rarely care where you come from as long as you've read the article on which you're commenting, at least if you're writing from cyberspace! Keep 'em short and don't stress about repeating others' arguments: there have been remarkably few letters in any newspaper on this subject.

    Helpful files:

  • How to Help: The Witches' Voice Guide to Writing Letters
  • The Covenant of the Goddess' Wicca FAQ
  • Wiccan FAQ for Christians
  • Satanism FAQ
  • Pagan FAQ
  • Asatru FAQ
  • Shamanism FAQ

    Below are the e-mail addresses for letters to the editor of hundreds of newspapers. Send your letter to those newspapers in your area, or however many you want depending on the time you have to spare. Send each newspaper your letter in a separate message because some newspapers will not publish a letter if they know it has been sent to other publications.

    Include your name, address and telephone number for confirmation purposes.

    Large newspapers which will consider your letter:

    A must-send: USA TODAY, E-Mail: editor@usatoday.com FAX: 703-247-3108
    The Boston Globe: letter@globe.com
    The Chicago Tribune: tribletter@aol.com
    The Christian Science Monitor: oped@csps.com
    The Dallas Morning News: dmneditor@aol.com
    National Catholic Reporter - 62893046@eln.attmail.com
    The New York Times: letters@nytimes.com
    U. The National College Magazine - editor@umagazine.com
    Washington TIMES National Weekly edition - natletr@mcimail.com

    Birmingham (AL) Post Herald - PostHerald@aol.com
    Florence (AL) Times Daily - timesdly@timesdaily.com
    Huntsville Times (& Huntsville News) (AL) - Jehinger@traveller.com
    Mobile Press-Register - mobile.eds@dibbs.com
    Mobile (AL) Register - register@dibbs.net
    Monroe (AL) Journal - monjour@monroeville.gulf.net

    Anchorage Daily News - letters@pop.adn.com

    Arizona Daily Star, Tucson, AZ - auslande@azstarnet.com
    Arizona Republic, Phoenix - Opinions@aol.com
    Arizona Wildcat (U of AZ) - wcnews@ccit.arizona.edu
    Phoenix Gazette - gazedit@aol.com
    Tucson AZ Citizen - tcnews@aol.com -note: Tucson Citizen prints letters from Arizona residents only.
    Yuma (AZ) Sun - yumasun@primenet.com

    Arkansas Democrat Gazette - news@ardemgaz.com
    Benton (ARK) Daily Record - compub95@aol.com
    Little Rock (ARK) Times - arktimes@aristotle.net
    Morning News of Northwest Arkansas - webmeister@ipa.net
    Northwest Arkanas *Times - mail@nwarktimes.com
    Springdale (ARK) News - webmeister@ipa.net

    Bakersfield Californian - tbc@kern.com
    Collegian (Moraga CA) - collegia@galileo.stmarys-ca.edu
    Contra Costa CA Times - cctletrs@netcom.com
    Daily Aztec, San Diego State University - daleters@mail.sdsu.eduDaily Californian (Berkeley) - dailycal@ocf.berkeley.edu
    The Long Beach Press-Telegram - speakout@ptconnect.infi.net
    Los Angeles Times - letters@latimes.com
    Mills Weekly (Mills College, Oakland, CA) - weekly@mills.edu
    New Times (San Luis Obispo CA) - newtimes-slo@slonet.org
    Orange County Register (CA) - letters@link.freedom.com
    Register-Pajaronian, Watsonville, CA - pajaro@cruzio.com
    Sacramento Bee - opinion@sacbee.com Note: Will not print letters from persons outside of California
    San Diego Union Tribune - letters@uniontrib.com
    San Francisco Chronicle - chronletters@sfgate.com
    San Francisco Examiner - sfexaminer@aol.com
    San Luis Obispo (CA) - slott@scripps.com
    San Jose (CA) Mercury News - Letters@sjmercury.com
    Santa Cruz County (CA) Sentinel - sented@cruzio.com
    Santa Rosa (CA) Press-Democrat - PDLetters@aol.com
    Stockton (CA) Record - editor@recordnet.com
    Vacaville (CA) Reporter - reporter@community.net

    Boulder (CO) Daily Camera - newsr@bouldernews.infi.net
    Colorado Springs (CO) Gazette Telegraph (Tell It To the Gazette) gtop@usa.net
    The Denver Post - Letters@denverpost.com
    Glenwood (CO) Post - glenpost@rof.net
    Pueblo (CO) Chieftain - comments@chieftain.com
    (Denver) Rocky Mountain News - letters@denver-rmn.com (Note: Rocky Mtn News rarely prints letters from persons who live outside Colo.)

    Danbury (CT) News-Times - editor@newstimes.com
    Hartford Courant, CT - letters@courant.com
    Norwich (CT) Evening Sun - evesun@norwich.net


    Bradenton (FL) Herald - bhwrite@bhip.infi.net
    Daytona (FL) News Journal - letters@news-jrnl.com
    Florida Today (Melbourne FL) - 71333.1616@compuserve.com
    Gainesville (FL) Sun - dart@freenet.ufl.edu
    Miami Herald - HeraldEd@aol.com
    Lakeland (FL) Ledger - webmaster@tsolv.com
    Ocala (FL) Star Banner - osb@mercury.net
    Orlando Sentinel - OSOinsight@aol.com
    Palm Beach (FL) Post -
    Pensacola (FL) News Journal -
    St. Petersburg Times, FL - editorial@sptimes.com
    Sun-Sentinel, Fort Lauderdale - fletters@sunsent.com -(Note: The Sun-Sentinel does not publish letters from people outside of Florida.)
    Tallahassee (FL) Democrat - telltdo@tdo.infi.net

    Atlanta Constitution - constitution@ajc.com
    Atlanta Journal - journal@ajc.com
    Augusta (GA) Chronicle - AugChronEd@aol.com (Note: Augusta Chronicle publishes letters to the editor from area residents only.)
    Macon (GA) Telegraph - EdCorson@aol.com

    Honolulu Advertiser -
    Honolulu Star Bulletin
    - letters@starbulletin.com

    Idaho Falls Post Register - prnews@srv.net
    Idaho State Journal - ISJrep@aol.com -note: Idaho State Journal does not accept out of state letters
    Idaho Statesman - news@idstates.com

    Arlington Heights (IL) Herald - editorial@dailyherald.com
    Bloomington (IL) Pantegraph - bwills@pantegraph.com
    Champaign (IL) News Gazette - news@news-gazette.com
    Chicago Sun-Times - letters@suntimes.com
    Daily Eastern News (Eastern IL Univ) - cucms@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
    Daily Egyptian, Carbondale, IL - egyptian@siu.edu
    DuQuoin (IL) Call - tpetro@ampub.com
    Edwardsville (IL) Intelligencer - intelligencer@edwpub.com
    Harrisburg (IL) Register - webmaster@dailyregister.com
    Moline Dispatch (Moline IL) - letters@QConline.com
    Quincy (IL) Herald Whig - whig@cis.net

    Bedford (IN) Times Mail - tmnews@tmnews.com
    Fort Wayne News-Sentinel - nseditor@fortwayne.infi.netFranklin Daily Journal - jwo004@aol.com
    Goshen (IN) News - GoshenNews@thelocalnet.com
    Indianapolis Star - stareditor@starnews.com
    Kokomo (IN) Herald (weekly) - koherald@holli.com
    Kokomo (IN) Perspetive (weekly) -
    Kokomo (IN) Tribune -

    Lafayette (IN) Journal & Courier -
    Lewiston (ID) Morning Tribune - city@lmtribune.com
    Moscow (ID) Daily News - editor@moscow.com
    New Albany (IN) Tribune - editor@thepoint.net
    St. Charles City Journal - STCJournal@aol.com
    Terre Haute (IN) Tribune-Star - mjones@mail.tribstar.com
    Warsaw (IN) Times Union - news@kconline.com

    Burlington (IA) Hawk Eye - Kearney@dailynews.net
    Daily Iowan (Iowa City,Ia) - daily-iowan@uiowa.edu
    Des Moines Register - letters@dmreg.com
    Dubuque (IA) Telegraph Herald - thonline@wcinet.com
    Iowa State Daily - letters@www.daily.iastate.edu
    Marshalltown (IA) Times Republican - timesr@mrshlnet.com
    Quad City Times (Davenport IA) - QCTimes@aol.com
    Sioux City (IA) Journal - scjrnl@pionet.net

    Andover (KS) Journal Advocate (weekly) - srobrahn@interramp.com
    Baxter Springs (KS) Citizen (weekly) - kansasnews@aol.com
    El Doreado (KS) Times - eldtimes@southwind.net
    Emporia (KS) Gazette - egazette@cadvantage.com
    Hutchinson (KS) News - Hutchnews@aol.com
    Johnson County Sun (KS) - SUNPUB1@aol.com
    Kansas City Star - talkback@kcstar.com
    Kansas State Collegian - letters@spub.ksu.edu
    Lawrence (KS) Journal-World - LJWorld@aol.com
    Newton Kansan - nkansan@southwind.net
    Topeka (KS) Capital Journal - letters@cjnetworks.com
    Wichita (KS) Eagle - eagle-c@southwind.net
    Winfield (KS) Daily Courier - courier@horizon.hit.net

    Danville (KY) Advocate Messenger - advocate@amnews.com
    Elizabethton (KY) News Enterprise - ne@ekx.infi.net
    Kentucky, U of KY, Lexington - kernel@pop.uky.edu
    Lexington (KY) Herald Leader - Hledit@lex.infi.net
    Louisville Courier Journal -cjletter@louisvil.gannett.com
    Maysville (KY) Ledger-Independent - ponto@may-uky.campus.mci.net

    Daily Reveille - revedit@unix1.sncc.lsu.edu
    Lafayette Town Talk - TWNTLK@aol.com
    Lake Charles (LA) American Press - Talktolcap@aol.com
    Times Picayune (New Orleans) - TPLetters@aol.com


    The Capital (Annapolis MD) - capital@annap.infi.net
    Cumberland (MD) Times-news - ctn@times-news.com
    The Daily Times (Salisbury MD) - editor@shore.intercom.net
    Easton(MD) Star Democrat - mail@stardem.com
    Portland (ME) Press-Herald - letters@portland.com

    Boston Daily Free Press - letters@dfpress.com
    Boston Herald - heraldedit@delphi.com
    Lynn (MA) Daily Item - lynnitem@shore.net
    New Bedford (MA) Standard Times - YourView@S-T.com
    Union News (Springfield MA) - Union.News@the-spa.com

    Alpena (MI) News - alpenanews@oweb.com
    Ann Arbor MI News - LetterNews@aol.com
    Battle Creek (MI) Enquirer - enquirer@ccm.tdsnet.com
    Detroit News - Letters@detnews.com
    Tampa Tribune - TBOL99C@prodigy.com
    Flint MI Journal - fj@flintj.com
    Grand Rapids Press - editor@GR-Press.com
    Macomb (MI) Daily - edit@macombdaily.com
    Midland (MI) Daily News - mdnletters@mdn.net
    Middlesex News (Framingham MA) - mnews@world.std.com
    Owosso (MI) Argus - argus@shianet.org
    The State News (East Lansing, MI) - snews@pilot.msu.edu
    Times Herald (Port Huron MI) - tmshrld@ic.net
    Sturgis (MI) Journal - journal@sturgisjournal.com
    Western Michigan Herald (Univ paper, Kalamazoo) - WMU_Herald@wmich.edu

    Brainerd (MN) Daily Dispatch - dailyd@brainerd.net
    Mankato (MN) Free Press - freepress@ic.mankato.mn.us
    Minneapolis Star Tribune - opinion@startribune.com
    Minnesota Daily - opinions@daily.umn.edu
    St. Paul Pioneer Press - letters@pioneerpress.com

    Biloxi (MS) Sun Herald - maildrop@sunherald.infi.net
    Vicksburg (MS) Post - staff@vicksburgpost.com

    Missouri Miner (Univ. of Missouri student paper) - miner@umr.edu
    Saint Louis Post Dispatch - letters@pd.stlnet.com

    Bozeman (MT) Daily Chronicle - citydesk@gomontana.com
    Columbia (MO) Daily Tribune - cdteditor@trib.net
    Farmington (MO) Press-Leader - rdennis@pressleader.com
    Joplin (MO) Globe - editorial@joplinglobe.com
    Missoula (MT) Missoulian - msline@missoulian.com
    St. Joseph (MO) News Press -- editorial@ponyexpress.net

    Daily Nebraskan - letters@unlinfo.unl.edu
    Grand Island (Neb.) Independent = editor@theindependent.com
    Lincoln (NE) Journal-Star - oped@nebweb.com
    Omaha World Herald - pulse@novia.net

    Las Vegas Sun - Letters@LVSUN.com
    Tahoe Tribune - tribune@tahoe.com

    New Hampshire
    Keene (NH) Sentinel - Letters@keenesentinel.com
    Portsmouth (NH) Herald - pherald@nh-meseacoast.com

    New Jersey
    Asbury Park (NJ) Press - editors@injersey.com
    Bergen Record, Hackensack, NJ - newsroom@bergen-record.com
    Newton (NJ) Herald - comments@njherald.com
    Parsippany (NJ) Daily Record - 75141.3363@compuserve.com
    The Press of Atlantic City (NJ) - thepress@acy.digex.net

    New Mexico
    Albuquerque Journal - Opinion@abqjournal.com
    Los Alamos (NM) Monitor - lamonitr@rt66.com

    New York
    Albany NY Times Union - TUletters@aol.com
    Kingston (NY) Daily Freeman - DailyFree@aol.com
    Gloversville (NY) Herald Leader - leader@superior.net
    New York Newsday - MTPG84C@prodigy.com
    New York Post - nypmail@aol.com
    Norwood News (Bronx, NY) - NorNews@aol.com
    Press-Republican (Plattsburg, NY) prepub@aol.com
    The Saratogian (Saratoga Springs, NY) - Saratoga4u@aol.com
    Schenectady (NY) Daily Gazette - gazette@dailygazette.com
    Syracuse Newspapers - jkane@pottsville.infi.net
    Syracuse (NY) Post-Standard and Herald - online@mailbox.syr.edu
    Troy (NY) Record - TroyRecord@Globalone.net
    The Village Voice - voice@echonyc.com

    North Carolina
    Greensboro News & Record,Greensboro,NC - edpage@nr.infi.net
    Fayetteville (NC) Observer-Times - eletters@infi.net
    Jacksonville (NC) Daily News - jdnltrs@jacksonvilledailynews.com
    Raeford (NC) News Journal - njournal@coastalnet.com
    Tar Heel (Univ Of NC "Reader Forum") - dth@unc.edu
    Wilmington (NC) Morning Star - mseditor@wilmington.net

    North Dakota
    Bismarck (ND) Tribune - Bis707@aol.com

    Alliance OH Review - ReviewEdit@aol.com
    Athens (OH) Messenger - aa286@ra.cs.ohiou.edu
    Athens News, Athens, OH - 71632.21@compuserve.com (Published Monday & Thursday)
    Beachwood (OH) Sun Press - sun@sunnews.com
    Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria OH) - macroncl@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu
    Cleveland Plain Dealer - letters@plaind.com
    Columbus Dispatch - letters@cd.columbus.oh.us
    The Lantern (Ohio State U) - lantern@osu.edu
    Wapakoneta (OH) Daily News - wapakwdn@bright.net

    Edmond (OK) Sun - letters@edmondsun.com
    Oklahoma Daily (Univ. of OK) - opinion@daily.uoknor.edu

    Corvallis OR Gazette Times - 74250.2373@compuserve.com
    Klamath Falls (OR) Herald and News - handnews@mg1.cdsnet.net
    The Oregonian (Portland) - letters@oregonian.com
    Register Guard, Eugene, OR - Rgeds@aol.com
    Roseburg (OR) News Review - bsmith@oregonnews.com

    Beaver (PA) County times - editor@tristate.pgh.net
    Carlisle (PA) Sentinel - sentinel@epix.net
    Delaware (PA) County Times - newsroom@i21.com
    Easton (PA) Express-Times -staff@express-times.com
    Gettysburg (PA) Times - times@cvn.net
    Lebanon (PA) Daily News - LebNews@leba.net
    Lehighton (PA) Times News - tnonline@postoffice.ptd.net
    Lock Haven (PA) Express - express@oak.kcsd.k12.pa.us
    Middletown (PA) Press and Journal - paje@epix.net
    Philadelphia Daily News - dailynews.opinion@phillynews.com
    Philadelphia Inquirer - inquirer.editorial@phillynews.com
    Pittsburgh Post Gazette - letters@post-gazette.com
    Pittston (PA) Gazette - valenti@microserve.net
    Tribune-Review (Greensburg PA) - letters@tribune-review.com (note: Tribune Review does not generally print letters from outside of PA)
    Valley News Dispatch (Tarentum PA) - lettersvnd@gannett.nauticom.net

    Rhode Island
    The Daily Herald, Brown University - herald@netspace.org
    Providence (RI) Journal Bulletin - letters@projo.com

    South Carolina
    Anderson (SC) Independent Mail - anderson@globalvision.net, or anderson@carol.net
    Myrtle Beach (SC) Herald - mbherald@aol.com
    The State (SC) - editoria@cyberstate.infi.net

    South Dakota
    Rapid City Journal (SD) - journal@rapidnet.com
    The Argus Leader (Sioux Falls SD) - editor@argusleader.com

    Chattanooga (TN) Times - mloftin@chattimes.mindspring.com
    Daily Beacon (Univ. of TN) - letters@beacon.asa.utk.edu
    Kingsport (TN) Times News - DFE4873@aol.com (Kingsport Times News publishes letters from local writers only)
    Murfreesboro (TN) Daily News Journal - online@dnj.com
    Nashville Tennessean - letters@tennessean.com

    Abilene TX News - AbiNews@aol.com
    Austin American Statesman - letters@statesman.com
    Daily Cougar (Univ. of Houston) - st872@jetson.uh.edu
    Daily Texan(Austin) - texan@www.utexas.edu
    Daily University Star (SW TX U, San Marcos TX) - jh15@swt.edu
    El Paso (TX) Herald Post - hpost@primenet.com
    Fort Worth Star Telegram - harral@onramp.net
    Galveston News, Galveston, TX - GalvNews@aol.com
    San Antonio Express News - editors@express-news.com
    Greenville (TX) Herald Banner - ghb@topher.net
    Plainview (TX) Daily Herald - dandrews@lonestarbbs.com
    Plano (TX) Star Courier - editorial@dal.cleaf.com
    San Angelo (TX) Standard-Times - standard@webstar.net
    Texarkana (TX) Gazette - txargaz@cei.net
    Wexahachie (TX) Daily Light - thelight@hachie.citylimits.net

    Deseret News (Salt Lake City) - letters@desnews.com
    Logan (UT) Herald-Journal - hjletter@hjnews.com

    Burlington (VT) Free Press - BFPstaff@aol.com
    Rutland (VT) Tribune - ruttrib@vermontel.com

    Beckley (VA) Register Herald - news@register-herald.com
    Cavalier Daily (Charlottesville VA) - cavdaily@virginia.edu
    Danville (VA) Register and Bee - rbnews@gamewood.net
    The Fauquier (VA) Times Democrat - lemerson@citizen.net
    Journal Newspapers (VA) - journal@infi.net
    Morgantown (VA) Dominion Post - postpage@dominionpost.com
    Newport News (VA) Daily Express - dailyxpress@tribune.com
    Norfolk Virginian-Pilot/Ledger-Star (Glenn Scott) - letters@infi.net
    Roanoke VA Times - response@roanoke.infi.net
    Staunton (VA) Daily News Leader - news@newsleader.com

    The Daily, University of Washington - shreve@u.washington.edu
    Everett (WA) Herald - letters@heraldnet.com
    Journal American (Bellevue WA) - JaEditPage@aol.com
    Olympia WA Olympian - olympian@halcyon.com
    Seattle Times - mwat-new@seatimes.com
    Seattle WA Post Intelligencer - editpage@seattle-pi.com
    Tacoma News Tribune (Tacoma, WA) - leted@p.tribnet.com
    Vancouver WA Columbian - vanpaper@aol.com

    West Virginia
    Bluefield (WV) Daily Telegraph - editor@bdtonline.com
    Charleston (WV) Daily Mail - editor@dailymail.com
    Charleston (WV) Gazette - letters@wvgazette.com
    Fairmont (WV) Times-West Virginian - timeswv@timeswv.com

    Ashland (WI) Daily Press - ashpress@win.bright.net
    Beloit (WI) Daily News ("Public Forum") - dbehling@boss1.bossnt.com
    Capital Times (Madison WI) - tctvoice@captimes.madison.com
    Daily Cardinal, Madison, WI - edit@cardinal.wisc.edu
    Green Bay (WI) Press Gazette - 74604.1402@compuserve.com -or- pgnews@netnet.net
    Lacrosse Tribune, Wisconsin - LaxJour@aol.com
    Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel - jsedit@onwis.com
    Racine (WI) Journal Times - journaltimes@wi.net

    Casper (WY) Star Tribune - letters@trib.com

    Puerto Rico
    San Juan Star, PR - Bbilder@eworld.com

    Thanks to BCS41@aol.com for sending out the original list!

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    email us with comments or papers we missed!