I'm also going to put documents from other anarchist groups that
are of particular interest here, in particular of groups that do not
have access to the net. Comments and suggestions for improvements of
these pages are very welcome. For the moment these pages will contain
English language material (including translations) only but if anyone
is willing to work on a parallel page in other languages I will be
pleased to help them. Also if you can translate from Spanish, Italian
or French I would be grateful to receive any of the documents on the
web pages in these languages listed in the groups section.
Key texts in Platformism
Some ofthe current and historic debate and discussion on
the Organisational Platform of the Libertarain Communists and on
'Platformist' groups today
of the Friends of Durruti
Articles on this group of Spanish anarchists who opposed
CNT collaboration with the republican government during the Spanish
Groups who identify with the Platform
Organisation of Libertarian Socialists
The five groups above met at a
in the Pyrenees (Spain) in 1994. Below are further groups..
This page is somewhat old, a more recent version can be found at
[South Africa]
Organisation of Libertarian Communists
Class struggle anarchist discussion list
Email me at
and ask for details of the Organise list
This page is somewhat old, a more recent version can be found
Publications of Platformist Groups
This list is currently incomplete
Solidarity [Ireland]
Alternative Libertaire [France] (A.L.) & Regional
LE CALibre [Lyon]
Alternative Libertaire Bretagne [Bretagne]
Alternative Libertaire 91 [Essonne]
Le Coquelicot [Toulouse]
Barricades [Orleans]
Quartier Libre [Paris]
Solidarity [South Africa]
Libertaria [Italy]
Courant Alternatif [France] (O.C.L.)
A collection of historical and current articles high
lighting the debate within the anarchist movement on how we should
organise. Obviously these concentrate on discussions around the
Other Anarchist groups
These are texts from a variety of anarchist groups around the
world that have not received wide circulation but deserve to and
articles about the anarchist movement in different countries.
This page is somewhat old, a more recent version can be found
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