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The impetus for this site came after I read an article in Hinduism Today about how Pat Robertson had done an episode of "The 700 Club" from India. The article described a bigot who mocked Hinduism, called it demonic, attempted to convert thousands of people to Christianity, and then blamed Hinduism for all of India's problems. I am a Hindu of Indian origin, and this sent me into a sort of fury. I began doing some research on Pat Robertson and the Christian Coalition (the political action group he founded). It didn't take long to figure out that Robertson is one bizarre, yet powerful individual. Look around my site, read his quotes, and see what I mean. Also, if you're interested, I have excerpts from the broadcast (as well as the entire Hinduism Today article), so you can see exactly what it is that made me set this site up.

The fact that Robertson is a televangelist may make some people think I hate Christians. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I have nothing against people of other religions. What I do have a problem with are people who want to impose their definition of morality on America through legislation, and use the government (and taxpayer money) to further their religious agendas.