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Stec's Labour Links

Where trade unionists start their day on the net.

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Labour Sites
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  • The Alberta Strike Solidarity Page
  • ACTU
  • Berkeley IWW
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  • CLC -links to Canadian Unions
  • Campaign for Labor Rights
  • CompoNet Info Workers Compensation BC
  • Center for Working-Class Studies
  • Detroit Newspaper Unions' CD site
  • The Union Activist
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  • Labour Left Briefing - links page
  • LabourNet
  • LABORERS: LIUNA-An Unofficial Look At The Laborers International Union of North America
  • Laborlink
  • Labour Sites on the Internet
  • The Labour Movement and the Internet: The New Internationalism
  • Maquila Solidarity Network
  • Labor Party (US)
  • Solinet - The Solidarity Network
  • Solidarity with Korea's Labour Movement
  • Teanster
  • Trade Union Sites on World Wide Web
  • The Labor Video Project Web Site
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    Resources for Labour
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  • The Directory of Online Labour Conferences & Communities
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  • The OSSTF "UNION Search!" Engine
  • The Great Speckled Bird/LaborNet-IGC List of Strikes
  • Labour Law, Employment Law and the Information Highway
  • Executive PayWatch
    Labour History
  • Action Coalition of Strikers and Supporters (A.C.O.S.S.)
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • H-Labor WWW Site
  • Guide to Labor-Oriented Internet Resources
  • DOL Historical Information
  • Canadian Committee on Labour History Home Page
  • Labour Movement
  • Labour Movement II
  • Left History
  • NYU-Tamiment Labor Source
  • American Labor History
  • The Global Labour Directory of Directories
  • Solidarity Network
  • Mayday on the Web
  • Rolling MillsAaka the Massacre at Bay View
  • Haymarket Square
  • A History of American Sweatshops 1820
  • Memories of the IWW by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
  • The Edmonton and District Labour Council & City Politics 1903-1960
  • Why Unions Matter
  • Labor books
  • Labor Party Home Page
  • Labor-Union & Related Links

    Say No to MAI (The Multilateral Agreement on Investment)

  • MAI? No Thanks
  • Global Trade Watch
  • The MAI-NOT Project
  • perspectives on the MAI
  • OECD/MAI free online documents
  • MAI Homepage
  • Stop MAI
  • The Labor Cartoons of Gary Huck and Mike Konopacki
  • Carol Simpson Cartoon Page
  • Salon Comics: Tom Tomorrow
  • Salon Comics

    Real Audio Files

    To play these file you will need to download and install
    Labor Express: Roger Ronnie of South African Municipal Workers Union This interview, conducted by Faheemah Shareef of SEIU Local 46 in Chicago, is about the necessity for working people from around the world to stand together in the face of globalization. Labor Express files
  • MAI
  • Bob Zellner:Lessons from the'60's
    Realaudio/video on Globalization
  • The Global Economy Mark Ritchie, President of the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. Produced by Mike Thornton. RealAudio format
  • Corporate Watch An interview with Michael Stein of Corporate Watch ( Produced by Mike Thornton. RealAudio format
  • Vandana Shiva The noted activist and scientist speaks at the International Forum on Globalization in Berkeley, California. Produced by Mike Thornton. RealAudio format
  • Jerry Mander Jerry Mander speaks at the International Forum on Globalization. Produced by Mike Thornton. RealAudio
  • GATT Watchdog An interview with Aziz Choudry of the organization GATT Watchdog Produced by Danny Postel. RealAudio
  • MAI What is the Multilateral Agreement on Investment, and why haven't we been hearing about it? Produced by Wayne Heimbach. RealAudio Maude Barlow on the MAI
  • RealVideo
  • RealAudio
  • Bombs Away!(realvideo)
  • Boms Away!(realaudio) Airshow Canada, globalization, and the new international arms trade. Produced by End the Arms Race.
    Canada's health care system is in danger. A look at Canada's Bill C-91, the Federal Drug Patent Bill, which is driving health care costs through the roof, and, according to one seniors' activist, "digging the grave of Medicare." Produced by Working TV.
  • RealAudio
  • RealVideo
    Shell in Nigeria Abacha is dead, but his cronies still rule this country with an iron fist. In this video clip, Working TV takes a look at a boycott campaign against British multinational Shell Oil, for collaborating with the Abacha regime to oppress the Ogoni people. This campaign is forging strong alliances between the environmental, labor, and human rights movements.
  • RealAudio
  • RealVideo
    Citizen's Weapons Inspection Team A group of Canadian citizens, led by NDP member of Parliament Libby Davis, investigates allegations that Canada's powerful neighbor, the United States of America, is, like Iraq, India, Pakistan, and other "rogue nations," stockpiling (gasp!) weapons of mass destruction. Shocking news, eh?
  • RealAudio
  • RealVideo
    Safe Work, Safe Workload Medical care-giving is one of the most dangerous professions, in terms of on-the-job injury and illness. It is also primarily a women's profession, making the high rate of injury a gender issue as well. This video was produced for British Columbia's health care worker's union, but has broad application to health care workers everywhere who wish to be educated about the issue, and who are organizing to demand ergonomically sound workplaces.
  • RealAudio
  • RealVideo
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