Welcome to the Online Headquarters of the Atlantic City
Law Enforcement
Explorer Post #14

We the Explorers of Post #14 felt the need to create a web page to tell everyone about our post.

First, any youth interested in being a police officer or in working in that field should think about joining an Explorer Post near him or her.

Our advisors, who are police officers, teach us discipline, respect, and encourage us to do the best we can in all that we undertake.

The Atlantic City Explorer Post #14 takes part in events as unknown as the Seafood Festival and as public as the Miss America Pageant.

Our details (assignments) are mainly security type details. Which entails us making sure everything goes according to the agenda.

We also have a bike unit. Our Explorers are trained by the Atlantic City Police Department Bike Unit. We go out every Saturday, during the summer, and check up on the elder citizens of our community.

We meet every Wednesday from 6 to 8 PM at the Atlantic City Police Athletic League located at the corner of New York and Mediterranean Avenues.

At our meetings, we perform drill manuevers. We are led by our drill commander, who places us in formation and we do the commands we are given.

After the meeting ends at 8:00 PM, from 8 to 9 PM we take part in physical training (P.T.). We do a variety of exercises to ensure maximum physical ability, agility, and flexibility.

To be an explorer you must be 14 years of age, and entering the ninth grade and up to the age of 21.

We would like to encourage anyone within this criteria to join our post or a post near you.

Group Dismissed

Atlantic City Law Enforcement Explorer
Post #14

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