collapse of the global marketplace would be a traumatic
event with unimaginable consequences.
Yet I find it easier to imagine than the continuation
of the present regime.
George Soros, multi-billionaire capitalist, speculator and
high priest of international financial markets |
1998 :
capitalist crisis in Asia: millions out of work
and hungry
capitalist restoration collapses in Russia: millions out of
work and hungry
capitalist crises
in Asia and Russia spread to
Africa and South America
capitalist world financial markets destabilize
world working class begins to strike back against excesses of
neo-liberal austerity
1999 :
y2k millennium bug manifests in isolated - and
hidden - business and government failures
many begin considering safeguarding assets outside financial
institutions and markets
US increases military action in Balkans, Mideast, and South
international working class and left renew greater cooperative
solidarity actions grow against
privatizations, austerity, war, & attacks on work
and living standards
worldwide protests grow against military adventurism
many begin cautious withdrawals from banks and financial markets
in preparation for y2k failures
world financial markets, banks, and currencies in turmoil and
governments, military, and corporations plan for huge disruptions
revolutionary anti-capitalist groups establish coordinated international
cooperation and planning
"runs" on
banks and financial markets cause accelerating collapses around
the world
troops are dispatched and readied in strategic locations
2000 :
widespread and concatenating failures of government, military,
and corporate systems
"third world" failures increasingly affect "1st
world" economies in the global economy
world capitalist financial collapse
widespread unemployment and hunger around the world
coordinated revolutionary actions in many areas defeat unreliable
military technology
workers' cooperative systems supplant the corporate system in
many areas
fascist repression is widespread to save capitalist institutions
and governments
repression causes more popular revolts around the world
revolutionary and workers' cooperative systems replace corporate
rule of the world
Is that how it
will be?
Communicate: Plan for the Future Now!
staff of the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission prepared
a report in June 1997 that stated: |
is not, and will not, be possible for any single entity
or collective enterprise to represent that it has achieved
complete Year 2000 compliance and thus guaranteed its remediation
efforts. The problem is simply too complex for such a claim
to have legitimacy. Efforts to solve Year 2000 are best
described as "risk mitigation." Success in the effort will
have been achieved if the number and seriousness of any
technical failures is minimized, and they are quickly identified
and repaired if they do occur. |
sure to visit:

Labour's own millennium
- now under construction -
visit this site for the elites:
Risk Assessment Task Force