Vallegrande Che Festival
World Encounter for Solidarity, Freedom and Justice
Vallegrande - Bolivia
October 5 - 11, 1997
Men and women from all latitudes, old and young, any skin colour, any creed, have decided to join in Vallegrande, Bolivia, to leave testimony of our worries, think over about the destiny of human kind and proclaim our hopes.
When we are getting to the end of the millennium, human kind has been able to develop a civilisation with technology could benefit and get peace for everyone. However, by now there is evidence of unevenness among countries and regions: among those who have everything and those who have nothing, among those powerful who decide and those who pay the consequences of that decisions.
Even more, the civilisation with its extremes of waste and privation is breaking the natural equilibrium of life and is making real the most awful nightmares about the possibility of the destruction of the planet.
Is there any hope?
The people who adhere to this calling think that there is hope. We think values such as solidarity, freedom and justice can still fit into most of the people's minds and hearts. While such values still subsist, we can envision a better future for persons, people and nations toward the third millennium. The best utopias, those that were designed by the most lucid minds, those that pure men and women died for, still have a place on Earth and can help to change the ways that things are going.
To examine those issues, we convoke you to join together in Vallegrande. There, where three decades ago ended the deed of a little group of Dreamers that died searching for liberation and change. There, where Ernesto "Che" Guevara signed with his blood the utopia of the New Man.
For Solidarity, Liberty and Justice!
Artistic - Cultural
Musical Concert: Artists such as
Movies about El Che
Books about El Che
Painting and sculpture
The political thinking of 60s and 70s. Their impact now.
Social actors of change toward the third millennium.
Latin America: Globalisation and Liberation.
El Che route
Historical places
The place where his rests were found
How is Vallegrande like?
Vallegrande is located 300 km southwest Santa Cruz. Is 2000 meters above the level of the sea, and in October has an average temperature of 20 degrees C during the day and 10 degrees C during the night.
You can get there by aeroplane or by car. There will be daily flies from Santa Cruz during the festival.
There are 5 hotels, and people of the place will rent rooms for visitors. There will also be a camping place with all basic services.
For more information:
P.O. Box 3822 - Santa Cruz - Bolivia
Phone (fax): (591) - 3 - 429257
Visit for a free web page
and Capitol Hill for web pages about politics and governments