Larry Goodman, one of the country's richest beef barons and a major contributor to various political parties, has been awarded about £7 million in legal expenses.

The expenses arose from an inquiry into corruption of the beef industry. That inquiry was started in response to media allegations that Larry Goodman was a crook. The inquiry did uncover massive fraud, but Goodman was not prosecuted - though a few minor bureaucrats were pursued. The politicians from all parties who took bribes from Goodman were not in any way inconvenienced and continue to rule in comfort. Fine Gael held a banquet for 1,000 in the Burlington Hotel. Mark Brennock of the Irish Times says:

"In the world outlined by John Bruton last night, noble ideals had been passed down through generations of the nation's people, while positions of power and influence had been passed down through individual Fine Gael families."

The problem is that these guys may actually belive some of this rubbish.

China has cancelled it's vice premier Irish visit because of Ireland's co signing of a UN motion about human rights. It's a sign that at blast they may be speaking out on human rights issues.

China is the most successful Stalinist economy around. It is run by the Communist Party and anybody who speaks out against this is brutally killed. The butchers of Tiananmen Square are sitting on the throne in Beijing and "our" leaders in the west are still scraping to them.

"Gardai have stepped up ports surveilance top stem flow if illegal immigrants," says the front page of the IT. Joan Burton, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, says she is very worried that immigrants might see Ireland as an easy place to come into. It's crazy - the Irish are illegal in Australia and the US and everyone supports their right to be there.

There was a lot of loose talk about criminal gangs bringing in boatloads of people. Given the depths of corruption, you'd almost suspect that the police are moving into taking bribes for illegal immigrants and this is just the PR announcement to interested partners. It's kinda like announcing the new service from the Guardai Siochana.

Then there's the mystery of the web site with detailed stories about what's really going on. It's here at Geocities too...CapitolHill/8955.

It's written with great detail, names, dates, places and details explicit corruption among senior politicians. It seems But the strange thing about this is that it is banned in Ireland! and in fact people logging on from irish servers can't get through to this. So if any kindly strangers get a copy, we'd be delighted to see it....

Issue 7
News from Third World news agenciesGenetic engineering - Monsanto backs offmusings...
Brendan McWilliams talks about Global warmingsome cool events in DublinSEX and pregancy