Terre des hommes
aide directe a l'enfance meurtrie, sans préoccupation d'ordre politique, racial ou confessionnel



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Terre des Hommes is a Swiss Children's Charity active in Former Yugoslavia since 1993.
During 1996 we had the opportunity to send some of the children from one of our Youth Centres to Medex's mine awareness camp in central Bosnia.
We structure the activities in our Youth Centres to attract and meet the needs of children who are suffering from personal/social problems or because of trauma have difficulty expressing themselves. Not surprisingly, because of these problems, some of them are not the best behaved children.
The Medex Organisation is a local NGO run by professional, caring individuals who have a genuine interest in the safety, well being and future of the children of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Our children returned back from their week long stay at the camp not only with the potentially life saving knowledge about mines, but also with new found social skills in socializing, working together and being part of a team. In many of them it was possible to see marked improvements in their personalities.
We hope to work with Medex in the future and have plans to send some of our other children in 1997.
I feel confident in recommending the work of Medex Organisation and wish them the greatest success in the future.


Mike Gillham
Terre des Hommes
Coordinator NW Bosnia (1995-1997)

Mouvement fondé en 1966
Fondation reconnue
d'utilité publique par
I'Etat de Vaud
et le ZEWO
Secrétariat central:
En Budron C
Le Mont-sur-Lausanne
Tel: (021) 653 66 66
Fax:(021) 653 66 77
Adresse postale:
Case postale
CH - 1000 Lausanne 9
Telex: 454 042 tdh ch
CCP: 10 - 11504-8


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Most recent revision 15th June 1997

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