
The Chicken-shaped Country

It's a bit strange to relate my travels through Slovenia, considering I spend so much time here anyway. But it's a great place to go to. Very non-backpackerish. Of course, I can't give any recommendations on where to stay, because we had the best accomadations: with my relatives. On to what we actually did:

The Heat Wave
If I remember correctly, the really hot weather started in Slovenia. In any case, I have pictures of us in shorts to back it up. We visited the usual tourist destinations, Bled, Postojnska Jama (complete with the human fish-and the cave was really expensive, as much as the train ticket there), the center of town, and the coast. Imagine, I actually saw something new when we went to Koper, because I had never been there before-at least, in my memory. Transportation courtesy of my aunt, Goga. Koper is a lovely city, and the ice cream was good there. We also had a great discussion about yoghurt, leading to another one of those quotes: "That's why they're called Bulgarian, would you like a sandwich?" If you're confused, you should be, my sentence wasn't logical. I was explaining why a brand of yoghurt was probably called Bulgarian (due to the lactobacillus bulgaricus) and then switched topics midsentence. Anyway, after Koper, we went to Portoroz. Initially, the intent was to walk to Piran, but we decided it was much too hot. Of course, the whole purpose of going to the coast was to swim in the Adriatic. But two people forgot their swimsuits. Unfortunate, because the water was really warm. Hmmm, I wonder which two were the culprits? ;P
As it is, Slovenia was lots of fun. Do I sense some bias here? Well, the food was also very good. What else? It was Slovenia, what do you expect. Anyway, we soon made our way on to Vienna, that other wonderful city!

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