Cult, Occult, Witchcraft ... are they really the same?

Cults are religious fractions in which there is one or two absolute, totalitarian leaders who claim to possess the one true knowledge to salvation. Cults preach unorthodox, fanatic dogma which usually works parallel to, but not with, a well established religion (so to gain more followers, since established religions already have a high number of people), such as Christianity, Islamic, Jewish, etc. They often hold a rigid, military style hold over the members, who are brain-washed and psychologically (and some times physically) beaten into submission. The leader's dogma is use to program the individuals mind until their sole function is to serve the leader. An example of a Cult is the Heaven's Gate Cult who has had so much publicity. Heaven's Gate worked largely under Christian doctrine, which was twisted by the leader, and maintained with a rigid structure of the members' lives. Cults are a human invention, designed to bring power and wealth to the leader at the expense of the members. The means to that end vary with each separate cult and the minds of the leaders.

Occult, has very little to do with Cult. Many think because the "cult" is in both of them, they are the same. Occult is the study of the mysterious unknown, which usually relates to magick and "supernatural" phenomenon. For example, ghosts, magick, vampyres, psychic ability, etc. Similar to biology being the study of Life, Occult is a science that studies the "mysterious." It has very little association with Cult, other than, an occultist may study the aspects of a cult to discover the psychological holds over the members and the practices within the cult. Occult studies Cult and Witchcraft, which are encompassed in its field of "the mysterious."

Witchcraft is an aspect of Occult study. Witchcraft is the art of using magick and properties of nature to enhance and benifit life. Witchcraft is not a cult religion. First, it is not a religion, but rather a way of life. There is not absolute leader of witches around the world (we don't have a Pope, or any other similar figure head). There is no set dogma for Craft working. Witchcraft is guided by natural laws and understanding of natural cycles and patterns, which are also studied by Occultists. Witchcraft is incorporated into many religions, but it is not the factor which forms cults. While some cults use twisted Witchcraft practices, there are an equal number who use distortions of Christianity to program its members, and Craft is no more to blame than the bible for the formation of Cults (which is not at all).

See Ashlynn's Grove For more information of the dangers of Cults.

Also for more information see the Witchcraft Frequently Asked Questions

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