Journeys of a Catholic Witch: Letter 6

[Honestly Markus, I believe the frog thing is just a girl thing. You know the way they look and stuff. I'm the same way with spiders, caterpillars, snakes, and bugs! They just give me the woolly-boogers! No reasoning behind it though. All I can tell you about the frog is that it wasn't as ugly as an ordinary frog, not as lumpy-looking, and it was definitely a pretty color of green, almost like smooth jade. And I didn't scream or throw it, which is what I usually do. In fact I almost laughed. It just all seemed so silly!]

:) My next question then would be: "Has any part of your life been lacking in fun?" and if so, this part would have been indicated in some way by the vision. Either in the demeanor of the old man, in the scenery, or in his reaction to your reaction to the frog (if that makes sense :)

[Markus, what do you think would be a good spell for someone like me? You know, new to this, anxious to see results quickly. Something simple.]

:) Let me think on this one... ok, done thinking... how about attempting to change traffic lights on your way to work :) extremely practical and helpful... When you get into your car in the morning, simply say:

"Slight of Red and loads of Green, in traffic lights will be seen!"

Simple eh? but extremely effective... let me know how it goes and remember to record your thoughts in your journals! (if you've been doing it so far, it helps to look back and analyze previous ideas)

[Oh yeah, and also, do you know where I could find out more about scrying with mirrors? I've always had this strange feeling about walking by mirrors in the dark and thought I might look into it. Thanks in advance.

Excellent... I sure do, but unfortunately don't have time right this second to find it for you. Do me a fav, and in the next email, remind me and I will be sure to reply with the info! :)

Love and Balance,

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