Movie Review: "Men In Black"

The Men In Black "legend" always had a certain mystique around it; an air of suspense and suspicion; a "lurking phantom" aspect. This newest Hollywood creation is a true special effects success, but as far as plot, excitement, action, and most importantly, maintaining the viewers interest... mediocre.

Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones played their roles with excellence (as usual). The script itself left much to be desired. It left out that the Men In Black story has been around since medieval times and if it were a government agency, it would have to be integrated and not created.

The previews and trailers suggested more high-tech alien gadgetry stuff which was pointedly missing, with the exception of one or two interesting artillery displays. Truly, when seeing the trailers, one expected a barrage of "neat" firearms, akin to Q from the James Bond hits.

The humor was mildly amusing, but not compared to the portrayal of the trailers. No discredit to the actors; even the best comedian can't make the humorless humorous.

Perhaps it was not that the movie itself was poorly done, but rather, the advertisement hype was too over done! This over advertising killed the movie a bit, making me expect a grade A, original idea, instant classic type production. It didn't measure up to prescribed expectations. Not to mention the theme song by Will Smith that has been the #1 request on most major radio stations; you'd expect a great movie to go with a hit song.

The movie (to me) seemed little more than a collection of old ideas redone with new special effects technology. It was a cross between Independence Day and Bad Boys (both with Will Smith), instead of fighting aliens or being a cop, Will is now a cop fighting aliens. Not too inspiring.


WITCHCRAFT DAWNING RATING: (In the words of my manager at work: Pete Kelleher)
"It's a B movie with really good actors."

--Blessed Be,
Witchcraft Dawning Webmaster

Some collected information on the MEN IN BLACK

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