Engine-Boy's Homepage


I am currently reading a degree in Engineering at the University of Malta.
Next October it will be my third year.
My Hobbies are: Broadcasting, Computing and Reading.

In this web page I try to give those points I feel at home with. I have many likes and dislikes. I am a human being, just like you are. So please do not be disappointed if you do not find what you looked for. If this is the case with you, please do not hesitate, email me at the address you find at the bottom of this page and I will do my best to help you. (How gentle of me! By the way that is why men are called gentlemen - to honour me!)

Before you proceed, I want to tell you something about me. As I already specified above, but some repetition will not do bad, I am a student Engineer. So hopefully one day I will be an Engineer. Hmm, I think it's a great job. It is a tough one indeed, both to acquire and to mantain.

By the way, do you know what an Engineer does?

No, an Engineer does not mend, and Engineer does not repair!

An Engineer takes decisions. An Engineer supervises the technicians, the tradesmen and the machinery.

If you are not convinced yet that an Engineer is important, you'll soon be!

An engineer is responsible for switching, running and distribution of a power station. No engineer, no light, no power! An engineer is responsible for the operation of a water plant. No engineer, no water, no drink, no wash! An engineer is responsible for the operation of a public telephone switching exchange. No engineer, no telephone, no calls, no bills. An engineer is responsible for the running of a tv/radio station and transmission. No engineer, no television, no porn, no sins. An engineer is responsible for the maintenance of an aircraft and operation of the control tower apparatus. No engineer, no aeroplanes, no flights, no crashes.

Did you know that a genius engineer was responsible for the design of the computer that stands in front of you? Believe it or not, it wasn't me!

Links Description
TV History
A brief history outline of the development in broadcasting technology.
B.Eng (Hons)
Summary of the content studied during the 4 year course at the University of Malta.
A discussion regarding the major developments in telecommunications
Visit my girlfriend's homepage. She also is a university student and loves cats.
My city, also known as Citta' Hompesch after the GrandMaster of the Order of St John.

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Last Update: 11/9/97 22:12:45