Federal Republic of Whitlam.

Vexilogical Division.

National Flag.

National Flag.

This is the National Flag of the Federal Republic of Whitlam. Adopted on the 13th of October, 238, with the finalisation of State boundaries, it combines elements from the Revolutionary, and Introductory flags, and changes the colour of the yellow portion to a richer gold. It also adds the 10 white stars, symbolizing the purity of the new States in the Federation, with a large 5 pointed gold star symbolizing both the 5 Introductory states, and the riches of the Federal Republic.

Revolutionary Flag.

Revolutionary Flag.

This is the first flag of the Whitlamite people, made in early 298, at the beginning of the Revolutionary War. The 5 stars symbolize the 5 regions of Whitlam under the control of the Terramarcian Empire, and the 5 original States. The 'W' shape in the top, both stands for Whitlam, and symbolizes Mount Edward, located in Southern Whitlam, (then in Western Plains). The white part of the mountain symbolizes the purity of both the mountain, and the people, with the red borders symbolizing the blood of the people. The yellow area symbolizes the natural riches of the land. There are 5 original copies of this banner, with all located in the 5 Capital cites of the States where the Revolution began. This flag also served as a National Flag from 31/05/298 until 22/07/298.

Introductory Flag

Introductory Flag.

This flag was introduced on the 22nd of July, 298. A slight change made in the Revolutionary Flag with a professionally made, stylized 'W' introduced. This was the first mass-produced flag of the Federal Republic, with the first one made, presented to the original King of Ordland at his coronation. It was formally replaced on the 13th of October 298, with the introduction of the current flag.

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