



Welcome to Sean's Playground!

Hello there! My name's Sean, and this is my personal webpage.
I'm in my second year of medical school, which means that I'll be taking the boards soon, and starting up third year in the hospital in July... just as I had mastered the art of sleeping in class.
This past year has been eventful, as my older brother has gotten married, and I've spent a month volunteering in Chimbote, Peru. Let's see here.. I have also picked up the bass guitar and the mandolin, adding to the long list of musical instruments that I have marginal competancy at playing. Look for my new (as yet unnamed) band at a bar near you... so long as you live in Omaha, Nebraska.
And don't forget, my old CD is still on sale; My brother and I have teamed up to create the Bohr Radius Project, a musical polyglot of ska, jazz, reggae, bluegrass, folk, and some other stuff I can't quite identify... the album is called "Continents May Drift," and you can check out the web page for the BRP by clicking here.
Please check out the stuff on the left of the page-- there's plenty of interest to fans of music and sports, so don't be shy! Thanks for stopping by!

over cheeseburgers served

This page was created 9/96, and last updated January 26th, 2002.