Pictures of me as a kid

This is me and my Paternal Grandfather when i was a baby.
This is me and my dad when I was a baby.
This is me "showing my ass" when I was about a year and a half old.
This is me, my dad and my sister Lovella on my second birthday.
This is me , my brother Willie and my sisters Lovella and Neka. This was taken in 1973
Tonight on Fox..."I was a two year old drag queen...".
This is me at about three years old, at my aunts house in West Virginia.
This is me and my dad when I was 3.
This is me when I was 4. I was pretty smart, even though I used to be a blonde *evil grin*
This is me beginning many years of torture in public school. My first grade picture.
This is me when I was about 5...damn I miss Pooh...sniff...sniff....
This is me, my sister Neka, and my niece Lynn at a cheesy carnival.
This is me and my cousins Steve and Clinton...I am the big kid of course. These are the same two that I am at the beach with in another pic.
All of my L.S.D using relatives cursed the day I ever got this mask. I was the cause of many bad trips...god I was mean...
This is me when I was about 8 or 9.

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