Color Guard Circuit

SCGC Newsletter


Date: June 13, 1998
Re: SCGC 1998 Spring Meeting

Topics Discussed

- Championships-
     Per a request from the judge's association, some options were considered to revise the format of circuit championships. Because several of the color guard classes have grown to such large numbers, the judges have felt that they are not able to adequately assess scores and placements. The entire purpose of this discussion is to ensure valid and fair adjudication to all units.
     After many options were discussed, the following proposal was made:
     For circuit championships, the executive board will develop a block, pre-block, and post-block score for all classes. These "block" scores will be loosely based on WGI block scores. Championship performance order will be determined by a unit's block status. Once block position is determined, performance order will be designated based on blind draw. Sweepstakes points will no longer be awarded. In addition, the board will begin discussing a plan to implement a prelims/finals circuit championships in future years.
     Proposed by Alan Hunt, second by Chad Guess. Unanimously passed.

- 1998 Schedule-
     Last year we had 10 available show weekends. This year (1999), because of holidays and regional scheduling, we have 11 available show weekends. Circuit championships, however, will be the weekend prior to WGI.

- SCGC Ticket Prices-
     It was decided to keep SCGC ticket prices as is at $5.00 per day / $8.00 for 2 day pass.

- Contest Entries Process-
     Entries will be receive starting Nov. 1st by mail, fax, or e-mail (if available). Circuit office will draw for those entries marked prior to Nov. 1st. All circuit dues are due on the day show entry is received by the SCGC office.
     All others will be entered into each show by post mark. Show Schedules will be set by Dec. 1st. Show schedules will be mailed to sponsors and units by Dec. 15th. Shows will close at 25 guard units and 20 percussion units. Any units entering shows after Dec 1st will be entered by a first come first served basis.
     All shows will close three Fridays prior to date of show. If a show does not have at least 8 guard units and/or 5 percussion units prior to January 1, 1999, that show will be canceled.
     All unit entries must go through the circuit office.
     Proposed by Tim Vaughn, second by Randall Waters, passed.

- Compensation for Chief Judge-
     Discussion about compensating the Chief Judge with a $500 stipend for the planning, organizing, and securing of judges for contests. Shift the responsibility to the Chief Judge for percussion contest judges as well.
    Proposed by Tim Vaughn, second by Chad Guess, passed.

- Circuit Officers' Salaries-
     Proposed that SCGC personnel salaries be discussed by the executive board at the September meeting with documentation supporting roles and duties of such offices.

- Percussion Judges-
     It was discussed that we need to establish a training program for new and existing judges. They need to qualify through the Gulf-Coast Judges Association. Only sanction shows with judges who are qualified through this process or judges who judge in a reputable circuit or on the national level.

- Circuit Dues-
     Proposal to raise yearly dues by $30 to have extra funds available to potentially get more outside judges to all areas of the circuit. These funds will not be specifically allocated to judges, but will raise the available funding overall.
     Proposed by Alan Hunt, second by Chad Guess, passed.

- Individuals Competition-
     Entry will be limited to one per unit per division. At retreat of circuit championships, all entrants will be pulled to the front and awards will be presented.

- Balance of Circuit checking account at the end of the season is $2,374.34

- SCGC now has an official web page (still under construction) located at

- Nomination of 1999 Officers-
     Current officers re-elected:
          Publicity Director - Melissa Mason
          Contest Director - Sally Coultas
          Circuit Director - Tim Vaughn

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