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Mission Statement Office Bearers
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The name of this organisation shall be the International Sports Ministry (ISM).


The ISM is a parachurch, working with established churches that agree with the mission statement and established doctrine of the ISM.


To spread the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ all over the world through sports.
(Matt 28:19,20)




We believe that:
  1. Every human being has sinned and stands condemned before God.
    (Romans 3:23, 6:23).
  2. Jesus died on a cross to bear the punishment for our sin, and rose to life again.
    (1 Thessalonians 4:14)
  3. Salvation is the gift of God through faith in Jesus Christ.
    (Ephesians 2:8,9)
  4. As the one and only begotten Son of God, Jesus is our Lord.
    (John 3:16, Romans 10:9)



  1. Affiliation

    Affiliation with the ISM shall in the first instance be by request to a secretary in that country, or the nearest country's secretary where one does not exist. The secretary shall supply an application for membership form and a copy of the ISM Constitution.

    Affiliation shall be obtained upon completion of the application for membership form and approval of the secretary.

  2. Membership

    Members of the ISM have voting rights as described within the Constitution of the ISM.

    Members must agree with the mission statement and doctrine of the ISM, both in word and in deed.

    When presented with an applications for membership a secretary shall ensure that the applicant understands and accepts the obligations of membership, specifically being:

    1. To live a life in conformity with the scriptures.
    2. To engage in some form of active service for Christ according to their talents and gifts.
    3. To support the ministry as directed by Christ, in accordance with the Bible.

    Application for membership with voting rights requires the approval of the secretary, and subsequent approval of the ISM Directorate.

    Appeals against decisions made by the secretary can be made to directors of the ISM, or the directly to the Directorate.

    Membership may be removed upon application from a secretary or director, and must be supported by 75% of a Directorate.



All office bearers must be members of the ISM.


The Directorate is any meeting which includes communication with 75% of the directors of the ISM, which has been specifically called to manage the affairs of the ISM.

Directorate meetings must be called either at an agreed time and place, or upon agreement of 75% of the directors.

The Directorate with a two thirds majority vote may allocate (and re-allocate) the ministry's resources as they deem fit. A director by a majority vote within a Directorate must be designated responsibility to oversee the use of these funds.

Policy and other matters brought to the Directorate shall be determined by a majority vote.

The ISM Constitution may only be altered with the unanimous support of its Directorate and 75% of the membership.


To attain the position of director, an applicant must have the support of a majority of the membership in an official vote, and subsequently of the Directorate.

Directors may resign by an official letter of resignation from the position.

Dismissal of a director may be accomplished by an official vote by a majority vote of a Directorate, or by demand of 75% of the membership.


Secretaries shall keep the relevant membership, financial and other relevant records within the country(ies) under their jurisdiction as required by the directorate.

Secretaries shall be appointed by the Directorate, or by a director designated responsibility within that country.

Secretaries may be removed at the discretion of a relevant designated director, or as ordered by a Directorate majority vote.


The ISM Treasurer must be appointed by a majority vote at a Directorate. Designated directors may also appoint a Treasurer to oversee the funds under their responsibility.

Treasurers exercise stewardship over the financial resources allocated to them, as directed by the directorate and/or by the director to whom they are responsible as applicable.

Treasurers may be removed at the discretion of their designated director where applicable, or as ordered by a majority vote at a Directorate.

The official Treasurer of the ISM may only be removed by a majority vote of a Directorate.

Mission Co-ordinators

Mission Co-ordinators must be appointed by a majority of a Directorate, or by a director for program they have been designated responsibility for.

Mission Co-ordinators have the responsibility of organising mission trips, including venues, players, handling allocated funds and other activities as required.

Mission Co-ordinators may be removed at the discretion of the designated director, or as ordered by a majority vote of a Directorate.


Download Printable version of Constitution

For those who would like a hard copy of this constitution I have provided a link to a ZIP file that contains a Word 6 version of this page. To download it just click on the following link and save it to disk. Then open it with winzip. If you don't have winzip then you can get it from: Winzip's web site
ISM's Constitution
