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The Director of the International Sports Ministry and founder is Rey Ingaran. He is also currently the Philippines Mission Co-ordinator. He was born in the Philippines, is single and years of age.

Ray has a Bachelor of Science (Ag.) degree and has worked in farm management for 12 years.

He resigned from farm management to work part time for the World Harvest as a sports co-ordinator for four years.

Rey has been planting churches and preaching for the past 12 years.

Ray accepted Jesus into his life in his work environment at the age of 25. he has been a committed Christian for the past 13 years.


Secretary / Treasurer / Web Master

My name is Andrew Sidebottom. I am 18 years of age and regularly attend Beaumaris Baptist and North Beach Baptist here in Perth. I am currently studying the Diploma of Information Systems at Perth T.A.F.E.

I first met Rey at church early 1998 and after seeing the enthusiasm he has to serve the lord and for this ministry I felt called to become an active member in many ways.

I accepted Jesus into my life during a youth group service at the age of 14. Since then I have been actively involved in fellowship with other christians and church ministry and outreach
Some of the church ministries and outreach I am involved in include:

  • Kids Club
  • Sunday School
  • Youth Group
  • Shoreline Coffee Shop
