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Jessica Anderson


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About Me

In my ready possition   My name is Jessica Anderson, I'm 20 years old, born and live in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I attend John Abbott College here in Montreal. I'm in a program called Office System Technology. I'm on the women's hockey team, The John Abbott College Lady Islanders, I'm a goalie of course.

  I have a style that I suppose resembles that of Mike Richter. You should play your own game and not try to imitate anyone, but Ritcher is so superb with his techniques, I cant help it. I tend to drop my stick an awful lot to grab the puck, but I do try to stay on my feet as often as possible.

  I just finished my fourth full year of playing hockey. I started hockey mainly because I wanted to be goalie... don't ask me why goalie, it's just in my veins. I was playing ringuette before that time and always wanting to be a goalie, but no one ever let me. So I left and went to the brand-new hockey league opening for girls. They let me be goalie, so I was happy. I just fell in love with hockey from then on...

Here I am, moving across the crease

Here I am, giving no rebounds   My favorite goalie is Pat Jablonski. He's just a great guy, even if he never gets to play in the NHL, well on occasion he does, he has a great attitude, I really admire him. I started wacthing him while he was playing for The Canadiens. My other favorites are Mike Richter, Ron Hextall, Rick Tabaracci, Bill Ranford, Olaf Kolzig, Glen Healy, Martin Brodeur, Curtis Joseph, who else needs a mention...? Oh yeah, that great British goalie, Byron Dafoe! Well, the list goes on, I have a tendancy to like mainly the stand-up goalies, and turn away from the butter-flies...Don't get me wrong, there are a few I like! I like most of the goalies in the NHL, but there are a few who I can't stand. Even if this IS MY page, I'm not going to say who I dislike, I know everyone has their own choices, who am I to say who's good or not?

Just a little glove save action

A picture of David Bowie I drew   Some non-goalie related things I like... Hmmm, well I love music, but I kinda stick to people I like... Like my all-time favourite singer is none other than the legendary Ziggy Stardust. Maybe you know him by another name? The Thin White Duke? Aladdin Sane? Here's a name that should ring a bell, of course I'm talking about David Bowie! I don't have enough web-space to tell you WHY, but I do know that there's nothing I DON'T like about him... Sorry, I get kinda carried away when I think about him. I also love The Doors, The Tea Party, Ozzy Osbourne, and The Beatles. I tend to like to "old" stuff more...but hey, have you heard the new Bowie stuff? If you didn't know him like I do, you would swear he was from our generation x crowd! Some of my favourite actors are Val Kilmer, Jason Patrick, Ray Liotta, Christopher Walken, Gary Oldman, and Nicolas Cage (Who I saw at a David Bowie concert here in Montreal last august 1997!! Hehe, there I go again)

Me in my brand new pads during a game

  Ok, back to hockey... My first team was the Lakeshore Jaguars. I played with them the next year too. That second year, my current College asked me to play in a tourney with them...we won silver medal after they had not even won a game that whole season, while I won MVP of the tourney, winning myself a new goalie stick...woohoo! The next year, I'm on The John Abbott team and we attended the World's Largest Women's Hockey Tourney in Brampton, Ontario, and won Gold in our division. Oh yeah, since we had three goalie that year, I didn't see a whole lot of ice, so in one tourney, I decided to side with an opposing team(their goalies were all hurt, and our team said it was ok). The team I sided with were not even supposed to be in the tourney, they were not very good at all...but we managed to come up with the silver! They loved me so much, they joked about re-naming their team after me, hehe. Well I got a kick out of that. As a result of me playing, I again won the MVP for the tourney...another goalie stick :)

John Abbott College Lady Islanders 1998-1999. I'm the goalie on the right

  The next year I played with John Abbott College once more(Picture Above, I'm on the right). That year was very fun...even though we hardly won a game. Hey! What do you expect when you are playing teams like Concordia!

John Abbott College Lady Islanders 1999-2000. I'm the goalie on the left

  The year following(1999-2000, I'm on the Left this time), I played with John Abbott(Above) and we had our own CEGEP league, so no more Concordia, hehe. We put up a good fight that year.

John Abbott College Lady Islanders 2000-2001. I'm the goalie on the left

This will be my final year(2000-2001, I'm on the Left Again) at John Abbott(above), hopefully I can continue after i graduate.

Click on my mask down below to see a closer version, I painted it myself(It's of David Bowie of course..)

  With any luck, I'm going to play hockey until something absolutely forces me out of this great game! Hey, I'll always have room for more won goalie sticks!

My lovely mask! =)   Jessica Anderson
  John Abbott College Lady Islanders