Canine Gastric Dilation: Bloat

Bloat is always an emergency and is a life-threatening disease with mortality rates as high as 50 percent. Bloat is a generic term for either of three conditions: torsion, acute gastric dilation and volvulus.

Bloat basically involves the swelling of the stomach from gas, fluid or both. The stomach may twist on its axis...a twist of more than 180 degrees is called a volvulus...less than 180 degrees is called torsion.

If your dog gets a gastric upset and you think it may be not waste any time in getting the dog to your vet!!! There are several excellent articles on bloat that are well worth reading. None of them replaces the need to have your animal examined by a vet as soon as possible. These articles are for information only..they cannot and do not replace the advice of a medical expert.

Perdue University Canine Gastric Dilation..Research
Bloat Treatment and Prevention
Petzone Bloat articles
GDV Syndrome
SAR Dog Alert magazine article
Focus on Nutrition: Does Feeding Regimen Influence GDV
First Aid for BloatGreat Dane Article
Sirius Dogs' Bloat article

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