Creative Balances

This is probably more of a small unit. It is designed to be used over several class periods. The students will, by the end of the lesson, experience balance in many forms. They will use different levels and types of apparatus. They will perform dynamic and static balances at different levels, speeds, and directions.

Objectives :
Students will find creative ways of using points of balance.
Static Balance
Dynamic Balance

Grade Level : K-5

Materials :
Several Balance Beams of varying widths, lengths and heights
Several Mats

Prerequisite :
Students should have previous experience using 1 to 5 points of balance.
Students should have some knowledge of static and dynamic balance.
Students should have some knowledge of levels and directions

Set-up :
Set up the beams in different configurations, ie. one narrow floor level beam, one beam medium heigth, one wide beam at a low level, one beam slanted (one end can be on a folded mat), etc.
Set up a series of three folded mats in a zig-zag pattern, with the middle section being higher than the other two sections
Set up some domes in a straight line pattern
Set up some of the domes in a random pattern.

Lesson :
Divide class into groups of 3 to 5. Assign them to one of the balance stations.
Encourage the students to be creative in their balances using different levels, directions and body parts.

Part 1 :
Call out a number from 1 - 5. Taking turns the students will see if they can get on their "beam" and perform a balance using that number of points of balance. Continue calling out different numbers as the groups complete their balances.
Next see if they can travel the length of their "beam" using the number you call out.
Change stations and repeat so all of the students have the opportunity to use all of the "beams".
Ask the students :
Is there one particular "beam" which is harder, easier, etc. to balance on?
To travel on?

Part 2 :
Repeat the above only use 2 or more numbers at a time.
Example: We are going to use the numbers 2 and 5. Can you change your balance from 2 points of balance to 5 points of balance or from 5 to 2 ?
Can you travel while changing your points of balance using these numbers?
Change the numbers several times and be sure to use sets of 3, 4, or 5, ie. We are going to use the numbers 3, then 2 then 4
We are going to use the numbers 4, then 2 then 4, remember to use the second number 4 in a different way.
Change stations and repeat.

Part 3 :
Combining static and dynamic balances.
Using any numbers of points of balance you want to, Can you travel from one end of the beam to the other while changing your points of balance?
Can you do it again and add a static balance?
Can you change directions after every balance?
Can you change the directions and levels of your balances?
Can you create a routine using at least 3 different points of balance, level changes and change of direction?
Can anyone in your group copy your routine?
Change stations and repeat.

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at

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