What Is The Bubblegum Crisis?

There are a number of resources on this topic. I especially recommend the regularly updated Bubblegum Crisis Frequently Asked Questions list by Steve Pearl, and the Bubblegum Crisis Synopsis Index by Jeanne Hedge. A comprehensive BGC Fanfic Guide by Craig Wigda may also be useful to you.

For those interested in a brief survey of the series, however, I have written an introduction, found here.

Bubblegum Crisis/Sailor Moon: Best of All The Years

This trilogy is set in August of 2033, early 2937, and points in between. Of all the work that I've written, I'm probably most proud of this -- it combined, effectively I'm told, two anime that most people would never even dream of trying to mix.

The first part is also a tribute to the musical genius of Jim Steinman -- one of the great bards of rock and roll.

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Bubblegum Crisis: Apotheosis

This story is set a few weeks after the events of the eighth Bubblegum Crisis OAV, "Scoop Chaser", and a few months before the events of Bubblegum Crash -- which were a bit different in my timeline, for reasons that will be explained later.

It serves as a sequel to The Roads We Walk and sets up certain events referred to in Best of All The Years.

"Apotheosis" is a term generally used to refer to the elevation of a mortal to godhood, or to the granting of divine honors to a person. Perhaps the nearest Christian equivalent is the concept of "sainthood" -- a person (who is held to have been as morally flawless as is possible for a human being to be) is accorded a special place, and (in some traditions) special responsibilities and duties, within the hierarchy of Heaven.

This has a little bit to do with this story ... but not as much as you might think.

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Bubblegum Crisis: Itsumo

This story begins during the final scene of "Meltdown", the third and final Bubblegum Crash! OAV, and goes on for several months. It's a story about Priss and her relationship -- or more accurately, lack of one -- with the parents she lost in the Second Kanto Earthquake. And it's a story about friendships that never die, and people who do.

Itsumo means "forever" or "eternal", by the way ...

Bubblegum Crisis/Sailor Moon: Best of All The Years II

A sequel to the original Best of All The Years, and also following on the events of Together Again: 2937 Chapter, as two battle-scarred veterans of a war long over try to make a life together in a future brighter -- but also more complex -- than either of them ever imagined.

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Bubblegum Crisis/Xena:Warrior Princess: Bubblegum Chakram

Yet another crossover, taking place sometime after the events of Apotheosis, which draws the woman once known as the Destroyer of Nations to MegaTokyo 2033, swapping her for a rather bad-tempered red-eyed Knight Saber. Will there be action? Will there be laughter? Will there be subtext? Yes to all!

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

... and More to Come!

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