Dowsing The Bio-tronic Geometrical Forms
Dawoud Khalil Messiha

     We all remember the amazing effect of pyramidal shape on razor blades and how it regained its sharpness by placing it over the top of  a pyramidal shape model for 24 hours.  We are concerned with models made  according to the proportions and angles of the Great Pyramid of Egypt. Experiments have been made on pyramid models to investigate its influence on several subjects including living systems. One experiment was to place a cup of fresh milk inside a pyramid, and place a similar cup of fresh milk outside away from the pyramid, two or three days later, the milk inside the pyramid turned to yogurt while the milk outside the pyramid got rotten. Another experiment was to hold the dowsing rod,  stand a few feet away from the pyramid, and then to approach slowly. When the rods came over the apex they immediately crossed, if it were a pendulum it would turn positive. These experiments and more were repeated several times in different places all over the world and the results were the same. 

Geometrical forms affect living systems:
Are there any other geometrical forms or shapes that can influence materials or living systems like the pyramid did? How can we detect or control the influence of these geometrical forms? Are these forms harmful or beneficial for us? 
The main objective of this article is to provide answers to these questions and to present the results of the research work that was initiated in 1966 by the late Dr. Khalil Messiha, an Egyptian physician and dowser, who was interested in studying the influence of the Great Pyramid models and other geometrical shapes and forms on living systems. 
In 1966, Dr. Khalil began his experiments by studying the influence of pyramid models on plants. Starting from 1981, he was collaborated with architect Dawoud Khalil Messiha to do more experiments and research until he passed away in 1998.
The experiments were continued to find out the effect of different geometrical forms and shapes on living systems. Simple forms like cone with specific slope angle or half sphere proved to affect plants like the pyramid model did, but the influence was weak and different in many aspects. The next step was to use models composed of compound forms and shapes and to study their effect on plants. This step took several years to make two or three models that could influence plants growth. Dr. Khalil called these models Bio-tronic models. The geometrical forms were manufactured in the shape of furniture for more practical and easier research with volunteers. 
"Biotronics" is a term formed of the prefix Bio- (from biological) and the suffix-tronic (from electronics) means the subject of "Biological -electronic- like" devices shapes, machhines and the like. The term Bio-tronic was created by Dr. Khalil Messiha in the year 1966. A shape or form may have a biotronic field which is neither electric nor magnetic field, but affects living systems like plants, animals or man. Normally Biotronic devices or shapes are not  connected to electrical or magnetic sources. 
Plants set on Biotronic forms for 2-3 weeks proved to be more healthy, faster in growth, and their leafs were larger than the plant control batches. The influence of different geometrical forms was not the same on plants, and thus as a result they were classified into three types according to their effect on living systems.
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Bio-tronic Models
Biotronic chair
Biotronic table
We should hereby differentiate between the various types of geometrical forms as follows:
1- Good forms that have a good effect but for short periods of time.  For example it is not recommended for humans to live in a house with the proportions of the Great Pyramid. 
2- Good forms (those that have a continuous good effect such as those that produce violet color), which is that of health and vividness, i.e. it is recommended for humans to live in a house designed with the proportions of good geometrical forms.
3- Harmful forms (which do not qualify for residential buildings decoration or furniture for home work).
To detect the influence of different geometrical forms we designed experimental furniture like Bio-tronic chair No.1 and Bio-tronic-table No.1. Our designs depend on the theory of harmonic colors of different forms and angles. We tried to create geometrical forms that have a continuous good effect on living systems. Our designs could be oriented to any of the cardinal points. This is different from the great pyramid that has to be oriented to the axis of north-south


Biotronic Furniture and other models
coasters for food and juices
Biotronic chair

Egyptian books for Dowsing